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Does any one remember cockaynes in town.

this was one of my favourite shops as a child. As soon as you walked in was the massive pick and mix I dont remember ever seeing so many sweets.

also i can remember going to see father christmas somewhere near the market, could have been woolies, where you went in

this moving thing that was suppose to be taking you to the north

pole or whatever, and on the journey there were allsorts of fake snow everywhere and lots of different people done up as elves . and lots more until you finally rode up to father christmas.

very magical.

I think the kids would love it these days.

instead of queueing outside a hut then going in for two minutes.

I remember him giving me a large doll.

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Hehe, Cockaynes was fab. I used to go with my mum and nan when I was small. Remember the ladies modelling clothes in the restaurant overlooking High St?


Originally posted by tara

also i can remember going to see father christmas somewhere near the market, could have been woolies, where you went in

this moving thing that was suppose to be taking you to the north

pole or whatever, and on the journey there

very magical.

Aha! That was the B&C Co-Op across the road. It wasn't really moving, it was just a painted scenery rolling past behind the sled - but it fooled me too when I was little :). They used to have it on the first floor by the lifts, but I always liked going up that fabulous, glamourous circular staircase. :clap:

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I loved Cockaynes, I think it was family run cocern


I bought some wonderful clothes there in the late 50s/60s and if they did not fit there was a tailoress for alterations which were done within days

My engagement ring was bought there in 1959, it was second hand, gold with 3 rubies and 2 diamonds and cost all of £16. Beatiful old vctorian ring. When wearing it I used to wonder about the past owners and what sort of life they had led. i thought it was the most wonderful thing I had ever owned.



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Guest poppins

Cockaynes was a great place, not snobbish like Walshes was, they use to have a great big basket filled with seconds of china, the china dept was one the ground floor, they did a great buisness too being near all the bus stops.

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Used to love Cockayne's too - we used to go to the cake counter just inside the revolving doors at the top of Angel Street at the weekend because they sold Kunzle cakes - great for chocaholics - anyone remember those? They also had a lot of larger iced cakes - made by Fullers, I think - very nice frosted icing. Can also remember the very nice sloppy trifle with custard and coconut bits which they had in the restaurant.

When I got married, I wanted to wear a pearl necklace which had belonged to my grandmother - it hadn't been worn for years but it had been bought from Cockayne's originally and so we took it back there to be cleaned - they made it look lovely and I still have it.

Going even further back, in 1940 when my Mum was in her early twenties she spotted a beautiful tablecloth in Cockayne's window which she really wanted - couldn't afford it immediately but she was keeping an eye on it and wondering if she could save up for it. It was still there on the night of the blitz when so much of High Street was damaged, including all Cockayne's window displays so she never did get it, though she talked about it for years afterwards.

Seem to remember that the shop was eventually bought by Schofields of Leeds and the name was changed to Schofields for quite a few years before it shut completely

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Originally posted by Tony

Aha! That was the B&C Co-Op across the road. It wasn't really moving, it was just a painted scenery rolling past behind the sled - but it fooled me too when I was little :). They used to have it on the first floor by the lifts, but I always liked going up that fabulous, glamourous circular staircase. :clap:


I remember the lifts in the B&C Co-Op they used to have old dears that sat on a stool, and asked you what floor you wanted and pressed the lift buttons for you.

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As the co-op always been in the same place.

As for the lady on the stool in the lifts if you go in co-op youll see there still is one.

Im just asking about co-op as i thought the moving scenery thing was in a store on same road as woolworths and market.

But as i was only about four at the time the memory of it is a bit misty.

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