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Glass on top of walls

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is glass stuck on top of walls legal? the reason i ask is on a garden wall just down from claremont hospital, i thinkits called slayleigh lane that little one way bit, theres agarden wall thats just been clearedof ivy and its covered in glass spikes for about 40 feet, if foxes or wild life or cats jumped over they would get cut to ribbons is it legal, or if a burglar jumped it and got hurt , could he sue for compo

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Its not legal, neither is sticking nails out of fences, carpet gripper etc. And if a burglar got injured then I would think that yes, they could sue.

I however dont give a toss about the poor endangered burglar and have put as much carpet gripper on my fence as I can fit on

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i believe it is illegal to put it on now,but if it was already on from years ago then you just need to put warning signs up just as you do now for new 'deterrents'.

carpet gripper is illegal as it goes rusty and can cause severe lacerations,you can buy rubber carpet gripper specifically for tops of fences etc.


can you still buy that non-drying paint they used to put on drainpipes to stop people climbing up them?

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Does anyone know when a burglar has succesfully sued for 'glass on wall' injuries?


What a country we live in where a burglar can sue you if he / she hurts themselves while trying to break into your house!!! :loopy:


I was once told by a copper some years ago that you have the right to defened yourself and to use reasonable force.


However, i deem reasonable force to be a baseball bat round the head as many time as needed to make the burglar to stop moving :thumbsup:


I dont know if glass on a wall is legal or not however as i know of many buildings with it on and the police have not done anything about it? :confused:


When i built a gate in our old passage i did a very poor job of hammering in the nails on top of the gate they were all stuck up and some were broken off.

shoddy DIY very shoddy :hihi:

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