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Celebrity Quotes (add your own)


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Sometimes I'm patronising. Sometimes I'm sarcastic. Sometimes he's (Nigel Benn) hot-headed. Sometimes Nell says nothing. Sometimes Uri dramatises little things like farts like he's an alien who's never seen one before. Sometimes Tony misses things because he's slightly slower. Sometimes Tara is like a child who's never been able to make a cup of tea. Sometimes, sometimes we are all like that, OK? That's life, that's personalities.


(Rhona Cameron)


(from 'I'm a Celebrity get me out of here')

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If you want to drink, have a drink... if you want to drive, then drive... there's nothing worse than having a smash sober...

Bernard Manning quote


I'm glad I'm not bisexual. I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women.

Bernard Manning quote


I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.

Bernard Manning quote

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James from the Apprentice:


'I want it almost to be like he's willy-wonka and you're giving me the keys to the factory'


'I've such a wealth of experience. You're not reinventing the wheel... you just need to fix a couple of spokes.'


'One thing that is really important when you're breastfeeding is the mother needs to be happy. Because if she's anxious there's something in nature which switches off the tap in her breast.'


Need I go on!

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"I would love it if we could beat them. Love it. He’s gone down in my estimation. Manchester United haven’t won this yet, I’d love it if we beat them" - his finger-jabbing rant on Sky TV as the 1995/6 title race begins to heat up.


Kevin Keegan quote.



'Do I not like that'


Graham Taylor


was it after this?


Yanks 2 Planks 0

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