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Do the anti-smoking ads work?


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I agree! the lard dripping cigs ad, bit on the gross side, but remarkably enough I still went out and bought a packet of fags (still seething cos I dropped a brand new pack of 20s somewhere)

To be honest giving up cigs is not about patches and gum or any other little devices its mainly about willpower and you have to really want to give up.

No adverts about gungy arteries and people with lung cancer are going to really stop me. I knew about all the risks before I started smoking and my dad is a 40 a day man. I only smoke about 10 in a week so not quite at his level yet...but hopefully dont intend to get that bad! (but then neither did he!)

When I feel the need to stop I will do as I stopped a while ago for a good year but started again *bad girl* and no shock tactic adverts are really going to persuade me either way.

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I wonder if anyone has any figures relating to deaths from smoking.


Most of the people I know have got ill after they have given up smoking.


The ads don't seem to bother my husband, nor do the ever larger statements on the packets.



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well the signs on the fag packets and the ads did it for me, i wanted to quit anyway but they pushed me to doin it for defo. thay are awful, i cant watch em cos theyre gross but they work. its been a month now, cold turkey! the only way to do it i think.

god i feel so much better for it aswell! its amazing.gotta warn u though, the awful stuff i was coughing up for about 2 weeks when i stopped. I was so ill. but feel ten times better for it now.


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In a burst of irony, I'm cutting back on the level of fatty and junk foods I'm eating because that fatty stuff has to come from somewhere right...


Never smoked in my life but I could almost hear National Heart Foundation screaming blue murder that the anti-smoking lobby used that idea before they could...



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