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Bupa - Are you with them?

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I am with BUPA, I also looked at Norwhich Union and PPP AXA Healthcare.

It really depends what sort of cover you are looking for. I went with BUPA because at the moment it is easy to afford and I get cashback for things like glasses and dental treatment.


They have websites so take a look and compare prices and policies.



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I'm with BUPA only through work.... but last year I suffered a compound fracture of my hand ( crushed ) I needed 3 ops and my hand ( fingers ) pinned.... through BUPA I was seen by the top man in Europe, the service was exceptional and I can type again today although He couldn't cure the numbness in a couple of my fingertips He worked miracles and I doubt the NHSS has the money spent on me.... although they have the know how.

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I have BUPA, and it's very good if you ever need it. No messing, no waiting, straight into Thornberry with a quality consultant, and treatment within days if you need it. The alternative is being stuck on a 4 month waiting list to see a student medic at the NGH.


If you can justify the cost (and it ain't cheap) it's worth every penny and more. I can and do justify it simply because I simply don't trust (through bitter experience) NHS GP's or NHS hospitals and the unbelievably bad system that is the modern NHS.


If you are fortunate enough to be able to afford it, do it, and get the most expensive plan you can afford. There is no other company that provides the same level of service and cover as BUPA.

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That is true, which is why you should get in sooner than later.


They won't treat you for any pre-existing conditions (why would / should they?) but they will continue to treat you for any covered condition for as long as you pay them the premiums, unlike any of the other companies who eventually stop if there is no end in sight.


At the end of the day it is an insurance policy, and your health is the one thing worth paying as much as you can afford for IMO.

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Originally posted by Tony

No Moon, the NHS systematically managed to kill my mother. They ain't doing it to the rest of the family.


I lost both my Grandparents in a very close succession due to the NHSS.... and mine is not a groundless claim.... my Grandad went first.... a veteran of the assault on Salermo in the second world war.... He died miserably without dignity.... My Grandmother followed soon probably due to a broken heart.... but I found Her one day freezing cold by an open door in an upright chair and She didn't want to cause a problem.... nuff said.... She needed to be in bed and be warm.... She told me She just wanted to go in the end.... Hospital was killing Her.


She had Her wish.... I made a right stink though.

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