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The vile racism of some Daily Mail readers.

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I was responding to another poster when I happened to catch the headline: "Daily Mail Commenters Are Really Angry About Idris Elba Playing James Bond".


So I clicked on the link, and some of the responses are shocking:


Would you have Daniel Craig playing Nelson Mandela? I think not.


- MrFleet


If true, I won't be seeing it and Daniel Craig will be the last Bond to me. Bond has always been white and always will be. No more of this P C absurdity.


- JS


Why doesn't the black world create their own characters and literature and stick to that for characterisation in films.


- CommentatorfromUK



First, it was a black Karate Kid. Next, it was a black Annie. Now, a black James Bond. What's next? A black Austin Powers, a black Mickey Mouse?


- lp94


To all the people saying Bond is fictional: So what? So is Harry Potter but there'd be an outcry if he was suddenly portrayed by Mr T. What would happen if Phil Mitchell reappeared in Albert Square played by Jackie Chan? They're established characters. This just cries PC-brigade. Elba is a fantastic actor, but Bond is white. It's that simple.


- AndrewB


If this ever came to pass I would refuse to ever watch a James Bond film again, even if they changed the actor multiple times. I would also go out of my way to convince everyone I know not to watch or support the James Bond franchise and pray for it's demise.


- idylls of the king



I'd like to say the above people are trolls, and not real people but I doubt it :shakes:

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It's OK for fictional characters but I'd draw the line at real people. Meera Syal as Maggie Thatcher or Queen Victoria? Ben Kingsley as Nelson Mandela or Ghandi.......oh, hang about.

I believe that children are our future. Unless we stop them now.


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Bearing in mind the fact that we are talking about a fictional character, if these clowns are so concerned about authenticity, why has it never bothered them in the past that Bond wasn't English nor Irish and yet has been portrayed by both nationalities in the films?


The closest to how he was described in the books was Sean Connery, and that was only half right.


The fictional character James Bond was born in Zurich to a Scots father and Swiss mother and yet is always portrayed as an Englishman.


Shocking, shouldn't be tolerated, hurrumphh.


I like Idris Elba he's a good actor, I also like Bond films, good totally nonsensical entertainment and all the better for it.


If they go ahead I'll watch it, and be pleased I don't have bigots like those sat near me.

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I was responding to another poster when I happened to catch the headline: "Daily Mail Commenters Are Really Angry About Idris Elba Playing James Bond".


So I clicked on the link, and some of the responses are shocking:


Would you have Daniel Craig playing Nelson Mandela? I think not.


- MrFleet


If true, I won't be seeing it and Daniel Craig will be the last Bond to me. Bond has always been white and always will be. No more of this P C absurdity.


- JS


Why doesn't the black world create their own characters and literature and stick to that for characterisation in films.


- CommentatorfromUK



First, it was a black Karate Kid. Next, it was a black Annie. Now, a black James Bond. What's next? A black Austin Powers, a black Mickey Mouse?


- lp94


To all the people saying Bond is fictional: So what? So is Harry Potter but there'd be an outcry if he was suddenly portrayed by Mr T. What would happen if Phil Mitchell reappeared in Albert Square played by Jackie Chan? They're established characters. This just cries PC-brigade. Elba is a fantastic actor, but Bond is white. It's that simple.


- AndrewB


If this ever came to pass I would refuse to ever watch a James Bond film again, even if they changed the actor multiple times. I would also go out of my way to convince everyone I know not to watch or support the James Bond franchise and pray for it's demise.


- idylls of the king



I'd like to say the above people are trolls, and not real people but I doubt it :shakes:


Really?/ oh pleease:rolleyes:of course James Bond cannot be black!! its like casting Ray Winston as SHAFT!!! i think you may be the troll:hihi:

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I don't think I would characterise any of the comments quoted in the OP, as 'vile racism'.


I would also question the assumption, that a person who does not want James Bond to be portrayed by a black person, is racist because of that fact.


I wonder if people are not objecting to a black James Bond; rather, they're objecting to the reasons (as they perceive them) why a black actor was chosen to play James Bond.

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