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Archbishop of Canterbury is to apologise about the Chuch's role in the Slave Trade

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Just seen where our very own Archbishop of Canterbury is to apologise about the Chuch's role in the Slave Trade .

Maybe his forbears did benefit by the Slave Trade and so he feels a need to apologise but for the vast majority of us whose great -great grandparents were workers on the land .......etc........ perhaps he'll skip the apologies ?

Also , let's hope that other people follow the good Archbishop's example !

Perhaps the descendants of the African Chiefs who sold so many of their fellow-countrymen into slavery will now apologies ? Perhaps the Barbary -Coast Arabs will apologies to all the people they enslaved ? Perhaps the Saudi peninsula Arabs will apologise for taking people for slavery from N. E. Africa ? Perhaps the Russians will say they 're very sorry indeed for what they did in E. Europe between 1945 and 1990 ? Perhaps the French , Spanish and Portugese will apologise for all their bad behaviour in Asia , Africa and S. America ?

Perhaps everybody who has done anything a bit dodgy will apologies to those they have offended ? Perhaps ?

But , I wouldn't hold my breath ............

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Yes , what a good idea ---------A World Apology Day !!

Then , perhaps we wouldn't have to listen to things like that for a few years ?

Governments could issue free handkerchiefs and phrases such as , " We are all here for you " and " We are committing for you " and " We are all guilty " to be taught in every classroom and every Benefits Office .

It would immediately prevent any future tragedies as the World's thugs and dictators realised that they would have to apologise if they did anything remotely naughty .

[ Onions in handkerchiefs are optional ]

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Yes , what a good idea ---------A World Apology Day !!

Then , perhaps we wouldn't have to listen to things like that for a few years ?

Governments could issue free handkerchiefs and phrases such as , " We are all here for you " and " We are committing for you " and " We are all guilty " to be taught in every classroom and every Benefits Office .

It would immediately prevent any future tragedies as the World's thugs and dictators realised that they would have to apologise if they did anything remotely naughty .

[ Onions in handkerchiefs are optional ]


It would also create a whole new industry for historians. The UN could appoint a 'Historical Guilt Adjudication Agency', with the sole purpose of ascertaining and apportioning guilt for historical crimes. One snag tohugh would be that many people of mixed ancestry would end up apologising to themselves.

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