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What are people's thoughts on Steiner Schools

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It's worrying claptrap to the point of almost cult status. The children are removed from mainstream and allowed to run riot until they become years behind other kids in academic development. Don't expect them to be able to write their own name at 7 years old. From that point, it's almost impossible to get them back on track with a proper education that will prepare them for their future lives.


Steiners are an indulgence of the ideals of alternative-minded parents who want to do something expressively different with their families - but they do so at the selfish expense of preparing their children for future life.


It's all very well wanting an alternative education and lifestyle - but unfortunately we don't have a whole lot of alternative employers out there waiting to take on ex-Steiner kids who are good with powder paints and dressing up but don't know how to fill in a form.

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This is from a testimonial from a young girl that attended Steiner.


I learnt to read at 7 because I begged the local state school children on the bus to teach me. I was sneered at for being too smart, told I was a classic 'melancholic' who needed to see life through rose tinted glasses. I had 12 years of German and French and do not speak either. My math's has been saved my some private tuition as an adult and my modern history ends in 1600. My understanding of basic biology is from medical instruction pamphlets. I cannot draw, either artistically or technically. My writing is illegible and when I type the grammar and sentence structure is 'creative'.


I am sick to death of hearing about what personalities we Steiner children are, how creative and full of self confidence. There are borstals where the same claim could be made.


Think my childrens well being should come first rather then a cults.

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This is from a testimonial from a young girl that attended Steiner.

I learnt to read at 7 because I begged the local state school children on the bus to teach me. I was sneered at for being too smart, told I was a classic 'melancholic' who needed to see life through rose tinted glasses. I had 12 years of German and French and do not speak either. My math's has been saved my some private tuition as an adult and my modern history ends in 1600. My understanding of basic biology is from medical instruction pamphlets. I cannot draw, either artistically or technically. My writing is illegible and when I type the grammar and sentence structure is 'creative'.

I am sick to death of hearing about what personalities we Steiner children are, how creative and full of self confidence. There are borstals where the same claim could be made.

Think my childrens well being should come first rather then a cults.

That pretty much echoes everything I'd heard about them.
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I personally wouldn't put my child through alternative schooling as I believe that in making them different, they are starting out post-school life with a handicap. The problem is, much as we want to nurture our little darlings and protect them from the big bad world, our role as parents and educators is to equip them to function in the real world.


There's an interesting article herewhich gives you a flavour, rather than the Steiner websites themsleves, which obviously are selling their educational establishments (they are fee paying I believe).


I also know several people who have met/known/encountered Steiner educated people and they were not described very favourably.

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And here......................:loopy:


Waldorf Is Based on Occult Theory

Waldorf education has never been examined critically to determine whether it lives up to its claims. Waldorf's two-year teacher training program is woefully inadequate. The first "foundation" year is an Anthroposophical seminary program, consisting mostly of the study of Rudolf Steiner's occult philosophy and leading the teacher on Steiner's path to "initiation" as described in his book "Knowledge of Higher Worlds and its Attainment." Teacher trainees also must read Steiner's "Reincarnation and Karma" and "Occult Science."


As the Waldorf movement grows, there is a growing need for evaluation from outside the Steiner religious movement, which is viewed by some as a cult. Parents and school boards should be aware that the representations of Waldorf promoters are often deceptive. For example, promoters will say that Waldorf is based on child development, but Steiner's theory of child development, based on reincarnation, karma, and "the etheric body," "the astral body," and "the I" differs significantly from the consensus of child development specialists. Waldorf theory leads to some questionable practices, especially in the teaching of reading, which Waldorf educators believe will damage children if even the alphabet is introduced before the "change of teeth"; the teaching of science; and in the treatment of learning disabilities, which are believed to be a child's karma.



Please DONT send your child here.....be a good parent!!!!!

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Well I've heard otherwise!


It's not one bit as extreme as made out on here, not in Sheffield anyway.


I'm more of a mind that kids should start reading etc as soon as possible - I read at 3 and nobody really pushed me into it, I was just ready st that age. So I don't believe in holding kids back until 7 if they are showing signs.


But there's not really a way of evaluating the system's effectiveness as most kids who go there are highly middle class anyway and aren't exactly going to turn out as barely literate chavs, so I wouldn't like to make any high claims for it as a theory.

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Well I've heard otherwise!


It's not one bit as extreme as made out on here, not in Sheffield anyway.


I'm more of a mind that kids should start reading etc as soon as possible - I read at 3 and nobody really pushed me into it, I was just ready st that age. So I don't believe in holding kids back until 7 if they are showing signs.


But there's not really a way of evaluating the system's effectiveness as most kids who go there are highly middle class anyway and aren't exactly going to turn out as barely literate chavs, so I wouldn't like to make any high claims for it as a theory.

The case I knew was in Sheffield.


As for not holding a kid back - you may not, but the Steiner school will, and middle class kids need their qualifications from traditional schooling even more than others, because their craeers are more dependant on qualifications.

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The case I knew was in Sheffield.


As for not holding a kid back - you may not, but the Steiner school will, and middle class kids need their qualifications from traditional schooling even more than others, because their craeers are more dependant on qualifications.


Dunno, if mama and papa are rich enough they can become a career Trustafarian or something ;) Or maybe mama and papa aren't that bothered about Tarquin becoming a solicitor and would rather he swam with dolphins?


Anyway, in general I don't belive in holding kids back. Early reading is a tremendous advantage. I was always a couple of years ahead of everyone at primary - in fact the state held me back!

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