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How to convert pdf to word or PPT?


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I've bought a pdf format ebook and would like to quote some sections to make a word or PPT presentation for my teaching class, buy somehow I can only copy text but not the charts and photos which are the most important things.So how can I convert the pdf ebook to word or PPT document without changing the original layouts? Can Adobe do that?Or any other software?

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Most PDF readers will allow you to copy and paste text from the document.


The op needs more than text though as they say.


I have had good results with the online converter but its limited in size and if the pdf is protected or not.

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Yeah I remember Adobe does have a professional converter can do that, but it cost a lot of money.You won't have to convert the pdf file.You can copy the text you want to your word or ppt file for further editing.As for the charts and photos, you can capture from the computer's screen and then put it into your file.In that way you can easily make your own word/ppt.

But if you still want to convert the file, you can refer to the following articles:

How to convert PDF to Word

How to convert PDF to PowerPoint

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Not sure how well it will work for you but LibreOffice 3.6 will import pdf files directly into its Drawing Package. Simply start LibreOffice Writer, then from menu click 'File/Open' - choose the pdf you referred to and 'voila' it appears in the drawing package - It works, as used at work - not sure how your pictures and graphs will fair though to be honest but it is another workaround.

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Converting a PDF to a DOC format can be challenging without Adobe Acrobat. As of October 2012, Acrobat XI Pro costs $199 on the Adobe website.But you don't necessarily need Acrobat to [convert pdf file to Word document]. There're lots of PDF to word/ppt converter on the Internet, just type your question to google and there'll be many recommendations.

I don't have experience on [converting PDF file to PowerPoint], but you can try to save every page of the pdf file as image and export to a new PPT document.

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That's a common question pdf users've come across.

PDF(Portable Document Format) was originally developed by Adobe, therefore Adobe definately has the most professional converter to help you do what you need, with a pretty expensive price of course.I don't think there's any other way to convert pdf format to word or ppt without a software, unless you are a programmer.

Here're some information that might help you to solve your problem:

How to convert PDF to Word/PPT/Text/Epub/image/HTML

How to convert PDF to Word/PPT/Text/Epub/image/HTML on Mac

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