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Frecheville Carnival

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Has anyone been to Frecheville Carnival today if so did you enjoy it and is it better or worse than last year? The people running it are desperate to keep it going (there has been a carnival every year since 1937 apart from the war years) and it would be a shame if it folded, any new ideas to get more people there would be most welcome or better still come and join the carnival committee everyone is welcome to join us and talk over new ideas.

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PT, Didn't realise it was you selling the 50/50 tickets; I'd have introduced myself. I was helping my wife selling ice creams most of the afternoon - inbetween clearing litter that people kept dropping just a couple of feet from the bins we put out!

I enjoyed the day, hope you did too. Whilst there didn't seem to be as many people around as in previous years, I think the day was pretty good. Not sure how much was raised for the Charity as they were still counting up when we'd finished clearing everything up.

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