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OOooooo, a plane just landed at Sheffield airport! and taken off again.

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Someone just landed a plane at the now defunct Sheffield airport, it looks like every copper from the surrounding area have hurtled up to intercept them!


Could it be a drug barron or may be someone from the future??


Will I ever find out?


I doubt it!

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A lot of drama here at the Business Park. 9 Police cars, all with the lights on attended so my interest was piqued. Had a snoop and just as I got to the terminal building, an aircraft had taken off. Shortly after all the police exited the building. Initial rumour was the plane had been stolen, another rumour is that the aircraft owners had debts they hadn't paid to the Airport, so made a quick getaway. More to follow hopefully. May be in the paper tonight?



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Are you sure it was'nt a UFO???? Maybe Lord Lucan or someone like that, could be just a TOP COP from Barnsley flying in?


LOL:hihi: I've just had a letter to a LORD S LEDGER come here...like you've got more chance of the pope living here, never mind a lord.

Think they're having a laugh, or they want to see if I'll open it....but Nope it's going back, silly buggers:D

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