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Calling all WoW Players - Please Read!


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I hope you can help me, but first let me introduce myself. I am student in Leeds university, in the UK, studying marketing. I am working on a research project about the game WoW. I am interested in exploring the "addictive" nature of the game further. I am looking at the personal reasons why people play, and keep playing to how it helps them as a person.


Obviously the reasons for each player are unique and personal to them, I was wondering if you would be interested and willing to have a discussion about this further, possibly via msn or AIM? As it would be easier and instant and like a conversation it will be more free flowing? If you could do so, it would be brilliant, and your comments are much needed!


My MSN is rehana1@hotmail.com, or RehanaKs - for AIM.


Kind Regards


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