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What were you doing when the WTC Twin Towers fell?

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I guess the question is similar to the one my mother used to say "where were you when Kennedy was shot?"


you seem to rememeber those amazing history-busting awfull moments !!


I was in Hillsborough, wynyard road arguing with my partner about a skip

we watched open mouthed to what happened for it seemed like hours


I will always rememeber it

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Boyfriend worked in the parkway market and had finished work come in and woke me up I was being sick as he was trying to explain what was happening (I was 2 month pregnant) then I sat there all day and watched what looked like a movie but was realy happening, scary stuff.

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Nothing in Sheffield.


I was crossing the border between Peru and Equador. We only found out about 9/11 the day after, and then all the news reports were very confusing cause they were all in Spanish, and South Americans kept coming up to us on the streets, pointing at the newspaper pictures and asking us things we didn't understand, because it was obvious that we were westerners.


Then I got an email from my dad telling me what had happened, but when I dashed off to tell my friends they all burst out laughing, because they thought I was joking. It was that unbelievable to us - until we finally found a bar that had English-language CNN and saw some footage of it.


Then it was scary cause we were 1000s of miles away from home, all planes had been grounded, and George Bush was talking about war.

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I was off work ill so i was in bed on this day, But i remeber my x boyfriend ringing me from work asking if ive had tv on at all or seen or hear the news, and he told me to put the tv on has all his work has stop working and now all watcing the news.

I did not know what to expect has he would not tell me what was going off, but i was very shocked and i could not take it in at first, i just felt so numb watcing what other people was seeing and hearing at the time. It was not a nice thing to see or hear about.

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I was working over at the Crookesmoor Training Centre on the computers when I heard the caretaker saying to the receptionist that America was under attack. I thought "bo**ocks" but went on the BBC website anyway. This was just after the first plane. I just ran home straight away to watch it all on CNN/Sky/News24 the whole lot.

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I was having a coffee break at work at the time, and watched what was happening on the TV in the staff room with a couple of colleagues. When I went back to work, I told my colleagues what had happened. Some of our customers had heard it and were talking about it too. I remember my manager's face going white - it turned out her brother was supposed to be flying to America that morning.

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