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Egbert's Stone, Dore


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This wonderful landmark upright stone, obviously not the original, is sited on the village green off the top of Dore Road, near private houses.


The name clearly stems from a commemoration stone dedicated back then to King Egbert of Wessex (802-839ad), grandfather of Alfred the Great, who marched north to here with an army through a subdued Mercia to the northern-most border (of Mercia) with enemy Northumbria.


Who would have planted the original stone, with it being outside of Egbert's homeland, and would it have vanished due to the Vikings or Normans?

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I have photographs of two old marked stones that lay on Totley moor, that are said to be ancient boundary markers, marking the same boundary.


I guess now both will be covered by undergrowth and would be hard to locate, i've always wondered what the truth was about them.


I could dig the pics out if anyone is interested.


Btw, sorry for the slight thread hijack.

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Stupid_Head, please post away! There clearly must have been several such stones?


Egbert certainly received the submission of a/many kings from the locality, but he isn't regarded as the first king of 'all England' by scholars and historians?


I'll hunt them out now, though bare in mind i could be totally wrong.

My area is prehistoric rock art, which these certainly aren't, though what date they are, i have no idea.

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It has been said that the actual meeting place was nearer to Cross Lane than to the village green. I would be interested to know exactly where the moorland stones are located.


By the cairn on Brown Edge, but they are very hard to find as they lay in one of the many (boundary) ditches.


I'd be happy to show anyone.

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