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About DelMonte

  • Birthday October 5

Personal Information

  • Location
    Playa Coco
  • Interests
    Soul, Fruit Juice
  • Occupation
    Head of quality control for multi national fruit juice company

DelMonte's Achievements


Explorer (4/14)



  1. Hi fossil89 I'm in my final year and love the place so would be happy to give you a free words/thoughts if you want. I'm up there most days atm so drop me an email johntydelmonte@gmail.com People, I'm doing an audio piece on Psalter for the purposes of the final year project and would love to hear from anyone that has anything interesting they'd like to share about the campus. The piece is going to feature in the end of campus celebrations and it'd be great to hear from anyone that has a particuarly poignant memory, story or opinion on the place. Cheers
  2. you are an old codger Sushi was mint, miss it
  3. I'm doing Film and Media Production and I have to say I love being based up at Psalter and think it'll be a real shame when such creative courses are moved to city campus. What the campus lacks in spanking new facilities etc, more than makes up for with the creative environment students have enjoyed for years. I hate it anytime I have to go to the Adsetts etc..so souless!
  4. worst pub I've ever been in....made the mistake of going in a couple of times cos its my sister's local but NEVER again! rude staff, unfriendly inbred locals and **** beer...what more do you want?!? actually, to give them their dues, the fact that 'Slimming World' have got a giant banner outside advertising their wednesday nights there does make me laugh...British culture all over me thinks!.....'oooh you've done well this week Mavis, half a pound lighter and just two bags of nuts and a shandy tonight well done!!'
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