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    Fencing & politics
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  1. All this pales into insignificance compared to the amount of resources being consumed by the wealthy. A report shows that the wealthy consume 50 times more water, for example, than the less well off as well as contributing massively more in climate change gasses. But, hey ho, let's follow the right wing narrative that it's the undeserving poor who cause all our problems.
  2. What is this "the council" of what you speak? Do you mean elected members, council officers or contracted workers?
  3. I'm not sure you can legally stop the protest before it starts. You're quite right though that if you care about your children's and grandchildren's future attend any counter protest and make your views known to the conspiracy nut jobs that they do not represent the majority.
  4. Did you know that the CLP, in Sheffield Hallam's case, consisted of nearly 2,000 individual members at the time of Jared's election? How can a body of people that large be bent?
  5. Sorry, perhaps I should explain. Google is a search facility whereby people don't need to go on public fora to display their ignorance about how to find things. Don't thank me.
  6. Google is your friend: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/roads-pavements/winter-road-pavement-issues
  7. To my untrained eye, it would appear that the instructor has told the learner to indicate to pull out to overtake the parked car. Having done that, the learner was unsure what to do next so pulled over to have a quiet sob.
  8. They must have found it quite challenging. I'll get mi coat.
  9. I've dipped into this to watch Why didn't they ask Evans and also The Magpie Murders. I'll cancel after I've watched them and maybe re-subscribe if there's anything else catches my eye. But just those two are worth the one month's subscription they cost me.
  10. I remember that and I also remember getting a ticket on Crookesmoor Road for not knowing that it was an offence. As to the traffic light sequence, after being a PO driver for 8 years I did an IT degree and one of the lecturers constantly made reference to the fact. We were writing some machine code to mimic the sequence of traffic lights and I was asked as an "expert" what the sequence was. My answer was red or not red, anything else being irrelevant.
  11. I'm not as prolific now and many of those 11,000 posts were from my time as a moderator. I think it's true to say that I was the first, last and only moderator to win the moderator of the month award.
  12. I'm struggling to understand your method of debate, it just seems to be one snide comment after another.
  13. Try as I might I cannot see the point of this inane question. I was simply pointing out that all the dangerous activities people are so ardently advocating would have been frowned upon by our parents' generation too. There was nothing harder about the way we were brought up, what we did was just as unconscionable then as it is now.
  14. Reading through a selection of these major crimes I'm pretty sure they were frowned upon back in the day as well.
  15. I remember seeing her in Nell Dunn's Steaming at The Crucible in the 1980s. She'll be sadly missed.
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