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About absynthfairy

  • Birthday 03/02/1979

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  1. Sorry to start a new thread... But I have looked in the others and can't quite find the info I need! I'd like to buy a reliable e-cigarette. Was hoping to get a mirage one as the reviews seem good but they are closed today. I can wait until tomorrow (but it's tricker because of work) but was just wondering if there was anywhere else reputable I could get a starter pack and some cartridges from on a Sunday? Thanks
  2. I nearly went to Emily but was put off when they said most of their samples were smaller sizes... I got my dress for £395 from Blushes, great service and the sample fitted! Roll on August when mine will arrive!
  3. As the title says really. Looking to have a cake made for Oct 26th. Have a design in mind, open to ideas about flavours. Can anyone recommend anyone good and local to Broomhill? Thanks.
  4. Hey folks - I have read quite a bit of the thread - will confess not all but just wanted to add my experience... I am also a Champix quitter - 4 weeks today smoke free. I seem to have followed a similar path to a lot of you on here. This is my third attempt. First attempt was last year (I took my first champix pill on the anniversary of my first quit attempt) using patches, managed 6 weeks then fell off the wagon spectacularly on a hen do in Spain with 8 smokers and one ex smoker who lit up within half hour of landing. Upon my return, I then convinced myself I could just be a social smoker...and discovered that I in fact couldn't (an important lesson to learn though). I tried half heartedly again in the summer but couldn't even really call it an attempt really. I researched Champix thoroughly before making the decision to take it and my only regret now is that I didn't take it sooner. It has been remarkably "easy" - but I know I am not out of the woods yet. I stopped on Day 8, having had my usual 20 on the first day, then dropped to 8 for a few days, then 3...then 2 then 1. I just totally lost interest. I also seem to have survived a lot of my stressers so far - windscreen broke on the car, I have survived almost half a school term successfully (lol), boy trouble, drinking (although I will admit I seem to have turned into a bit of a lightweight but equally accept I might be drinking more on a night out because I am not chatting outside for half hour at a time), long drives in the car (Car smoking was a big thing for me - now I think my car smells of smoke and needs valeting)...and not once has smoking crossed my mind. Side effects - absolutely wacky vivid dreams - not nightmares...just utter weirdness. Had a dream about my mom who died 10 years ago and have never dreamt about her before - dreamt she was alive and living in Cardiff (which did upset me a bit to be honest when I woke up and realised it wasn't real), I do feel a bit sick in the morning but thats my own fault for not eating with it - passes within 20 mins. I have been beating habit cravings with liquorice - old school hard sticks, keep them in the car and just hold them sometimes. My other big motivator is money - I finally set up internet banking and I move £8 a day into a savings account (I rounded up from £7.35 for a pack of Marlborough lights) and I am off to London in May with my sister and the money I have saved will be paying for the hotel and to see 2 shows. This makes me very happy indeed!! So well done to all you other quitters out there - long may our victory last and if you are here looking for inspiration I hope I helped!
  5. Sylvesters has replaced The Forum for us as our regular work night out haunt - had our end of term do there on thursday (we were the "where's wally's? if anyone saw us...lol) and I have to say I rather fancy the singer (Ryan Taylor right?) in that trio - is he single?? Keep up the good work - us teachers are hard to please! p.s we normally dress in a far more classy way I promise - and I love the bar!
  6. As it says really...would prefer first hand recommendations.... I know there used to be a forum member that came very highly recommended but cant remember her name. Anywhere in Sheffield... Thanks
  7. Hiya... Me and my house mate are needing to move house in the very early new year from the new middlewood estate to the new strata development in Kiveton Park. We'll be moving to separate properties but they are next door to eachother (a first floor flat and a house). We have quite a lot of furniture but not silly amounts...should all fit in one lorry - or a couple of runs in a big van. Could anybody recommend a firm? Or are you a firm that could help? Thinking 2nd,3rd,4th Jan - we're teachers so it needs to be that week whilst still on holiday. Please PM me or reply here. Thanks, Joanne
  8. Hiya. I'll go first then! I am advertising my services as a singer for your weddings... I can offer two options...either myself and a live pianist (can supply own electric piano) singing soft ballads and popular songs - ideal background music for early part of reception/wedding breakfast or alternatively I can offer a set of pop/rock/disco songs for a more party atmosphere - or both! I am in the process of buying my own PA so will be equipment ready and will hopefully soon have a lighting rig as well. I am happy to sit down with you and discuss songs you like and with enough notice can learn new songs if you have one that is particularly special to you. My myspace music profile will be going live in the next couple of days with tracks recorded live on it so I shall post the link here. In the meantime please contact me if you would like any more information. Joey xx
  9. I'd recommend Jess at K2 on ecclesall road... not only she has she repeatedly put up with and delivered my somewhat ureasonable "dying" requests but she has just got my friends hair up from a dark brown to platinum blonde all over in 2 goes....she's an absolute darlin and I wouldn't go to anyone else... 01142679282 - you know you want to! Edit - I pay £60 for past shoulder length hair - my pal has short hair and paid £55
  10. I used to wear Angel perfume but haven't for years...I must venture into Lush - just take a deep breath before I go in, the smell makes me dizzy and not in a good way. I do not know how anyone can work in there...i do like body shop vanilla but it reminds me of my little sister and much as I love her I just associate it with her....Lush. I'll go to Lush! Cheers for the tips Edna!
  11. Skin - Loreal face wipes followed by Pure A moisturiser... Make up - loreal foundation (which i liked at first but now I've gone off it - one day i'll find the perfect foundation) Rimmel eyebrow pencil No17 Bronzing balls - But i want the new bourjois one that looks like a bar of chocolate on payday Bourjois blusher - two faced snow bunny for night time Urban decay eyeshadow in "sin" with pink/green/turquoise/blue ruby and millie shadow underneath depending on outfit. No17 brown liquid liner Maybelline Lash Stylist mascara - which is the mascara I have been searching for for the past 10 years. Lip gloss - various - big fan of loreal glam shine though. Hair - I have 3 shampoos on the go to confuse my sensitive scalp - GHD stuff that isn't as good as it promises to be, loreal red bottle for coloured hair and the cream sunsilk one which is my favourite and smells like vanilla icecream. Then some sort of serum - Tigi at the moment athough the best one I ever used was from the Boots natural collection - Japonica hair serum - a bottle of that used to last me a year but I think they've stopped making it...blow dry, straighten then this pink de-humidifyer spray that smells lovely, Lee Stafford I think... I'm not precious about shower gel - think it's foam burst at the moment but I keep meaning to buy a nice vanilla one where the smell actually lasts - any recommendations? Gosh didn't realise how much loreal stuff I use til I read that back....or how much STUFF actually - maybe I am high maintenance after all *mental note to stop arguing with boyfriend when he accuses me of that*
  12. I really loved it here - didn't think it was too pricey at all. I had pancakes and they were yummy and the chef was very happy to rustle up something tomato free for me (I'm allergic) - keep meaning to go back but we haven't yet. If you didn't specifially want italian then Seasons on abbeydale road is amazing - traditional british fayre (not fish and chips mind)
  13. I'm Joey, I'm 27 and I'm an RE Teacher (and not an alcoholic!)...I don't read as much as I used to but I was a proper bookworm in my younger days. I like reading books that my friends recommend to me (usually about lurve and romance and that have pink covers) but I also enjoy the more intelligent works recommended by Richard and Judy (recent favourites have been The Time Travellers Wife and The Lovely Bones). I'm a sucker for anything with a vaguely religious theme (but reject anything by Dan Brown) and adored the Philip Pullman Dark Materials trilogy - also enjoy the odd Harry Potter. As a teenager and an adult I guess I really enjoy/ed books by Christopher Pike - my favourite book "Sati" is written by him. I wrote my first novel when I was 19 and am still re-writing it now - am determined to at least try and get it published. Think I've got a couple more in me but will post some of my short stories to hopefully get some help from new found "critical friends". Shoeshine: Can we make a little rule about stories being written in proper english please? I can't bring myself to read anything in text speak and I might miss something good...
  14. Ahhhh! I'd forgotten about Through The Dragons Eye - was the dragon called Smorknoff or was that the dragon in Knightmare?!
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