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  1. I replaced one of our vans in May 2023 so we could enter the forbidden zone without being charged. Shortly after taking delivery of the van I applied for a grant to help towards the cost of replacing it . Here we are not far off 12 months later and still no sign of any grant money. I have exchanged numerous emails and sent various supporting documents as requested but still no sign of any money. Whichever department in SCC is dealing with these grant applications you ought to be really ashamed of yourselves. Absolutely disgusting
  2. I'm surprised that the government want us all to live longer as this would then put additional pressure on the health system, state pensions and long term residential care.
  3. Causes a bit more pollution though as it takes longer than the direct route
  4. I just find it a bit strange that the life expectancy of people in the UK increases year on year but yet we have all these pollution related issues in the background?. Also it's a bit alarmist to say between 250 and 500 people die every year from pollution in sheffield.complete nonsense
  5. Yes unfortunately everyone ends up paying a contribution in one way or another towards the CAZ system. Even if you don't drive yourself you'll still end up with a higher bill if the tradesmen's vehicle has to go through the Caz zone and his or her vehicle is non compliant.
  6. No I haven't had anymore fines thank you, the Caz charges are hitting many self employed businesses who employ people in the city.these are businesses that often can't afford to upgrade their vehicles and struggle day to day to keep going ,it's tax upon tax upon tax but then if your not self employed yourself you wouldn't understand that concept. So Annie ,are you of the same mind as the Mayor of Sheffield that people are dying from pollution in our city ?.
  7. Okay Annie ,so why is it that the pollution levels in and around the city centre apart from the two pockets of pollution I've mentioned constantly measure within safe limits ?
  8. Come on Mr Planner ,you and I know in most places around Sheffield City centre the air quality is absolutely within safe limits .it's only around Arundel Gate where all the diesel busses are stood idling their engines at bus stops and around Sheffield Train Station again largely due to the diesel trains stood in the station with their engines running. This is just a way to extort money from the hard working people of Sheffield and you will never convince me otherwise. Go and get on your bike and ride out somewhere.
  9. Where's the grant money for upgrading vehicles ,I applied months ago and apart from an acknowledgement email from SCC nothing further just total silence. I've subsequently chased my application and all I got was an email saying "were very busy". Total incompetence
  10. I am actually quite a fit person who goes to the gym at least 3 to 4 times a week to do cardio and weight classes so walking to my car or lgv vehicle I can assure is no problem no matter how far away it is. But it is an issue for the elderly or disabled person or anyone with mobility issues. I just think in the real world unless you price motorist's off the road no matter what you do then there isn't ever going to be a massive uptake in cycling or walking. Also there is another way to reduce carbon and meet targets like the development of synthetic fuel or electric cars etc.
  11. You must be joking ,what's all the road narrowing and creation of a Dutch style roundabout for then around West Bay? Should have said West Bar
  12. I was really referring to Sheffield City centre which I should have explained.
  13. No I don't think walking or cycling is something new or just been invented but what is new is the war against the usage of cars and light goods vehicles in the favor of walking or cycling. I totally agree that some non essential journeys could be done by cycling or walking or by public transport but there are cases where the use of a car or lgv vehicle etc is the only option. The problem is that everything been done now is to favor cycling or walking etc when is reality for at least 6 months of the year the weather prevents this.
  14. Yep I do because SCC are incompetent and not fit for purpose and squander public money and above all tell lies but hold on sorry they don't tell lies as they don't intend to deceive anyone, 😂
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