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florence kat

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Everything posted by florence kat

  1. End of story The 5 July visit did not happen. I suspect the lady concerned was getting very troubled by all the talk of roadworks, and could not face the uncertainty. I did have a useful communication with Amey about what to do if..., and this information was applied on 12 July, when the road surfacing was actually in progress. The men then on the job were able to advise, move cones and make it all happen. It was a bit precarious, the nuisance factor is high, but when you consider what is having to be done to get the roads resurfaced, it's hardly surprising.
  2. Thank you for mostly hopeful comments. I have emailed Amey with a request, and will report what - if anything - happens on the day.
  3. A resident at a nursing home in Kingfield Road gets out once a week to go to a Lunch Club. She is considerably troubled knowing that the road is likely to be closed on Wed 5 July. What happens to vehicles of those living or working in that road while the road is under repair? Are they allowed through? Is there any way of making sure it will be possible for a community bus to get through?
  4. Our electricity has just returned after about an hour. How widespread was this and what happened?
  5. I have looked in sheffield.gov.uk, but find no reference to parking in parking zones on a Bank Holiday. Are restrictions lifted?
  6. Thanks for that. I quite understand now.
  7. Thanks for reply. That'll be why. Rather strange to reschedule, though, after a fair amount of publicity.
  8. I have tried to find the new Sean Bean serial "Broken" on iplayer, but it just doesn't seem to be there. Does anyone know why?
  9. I noticed today both boxes outside Sainsbury's at the University tram stop are now out of action.
  10. Every time I look, Mrs P is sitting on eggs, usually looking rather sleepy. Nothing else appears to be happening. Is there a regular pattern for feeding time. I never seem to see it.
  11. Does anyone know which part of Abbey Lane will be closed for roadworks at 7 p.m. on Wed 22 March? I heard about it, but haven't been that way yet, so haven't seen the signs, and am wondering if it's the section between Abbeydale Road and Hutcliffe Wood Road...
  12. I simply wondered what the huts are needed for. I looked at the planning map, but it did not help.
  13. A number of wooden huts were delivered by lorry to Broomfield Road, Broomhill, yesterday, and were placed by crane in the grounds to the south of the Hospital Residences in Beech Hill Road. What happens next, I wonder?
  14. Thank you for your replies. In the particular case I mentioned at the beginning of this topic, the voucher for £3.50 was then presented for a £1.50 fare and the ticket AND £2 change was given. All's well that ends well, but at least I've learned how the system works.
  15. Is it common for Stagecoach bus drivers to issue change vouchers? A friend wanted a £1.50 fare and proffered a £5 note. He got his ticket and a change voucher for £3.50, to be used within a month. What happens when he uses that change voucher for a further £1.50 fare? Does he get cash change - or another change voucher?!
  16. Mission accomplished! With your various suggestions (and thought support, no doubt) we did the job by removing the bottom "foot", removing metal plate, fitting the door in between the two pegs, replacing the metal plate and screwing the foot back on. Fiddley, but it worked. At the end of all this we found on the floor a tiny piece of plastic which I suspect got chipped off in the accident. However, the loss of same does not seem to have affected adversely the working of the door. Thank you tzijlstra, watchcoll and biotechpete for your ideas. All done for now.
  17. There is a metal plate attached to the main body of the fridge/freezer where the bottom of the freezer door will go. It has a little metal "peg" sticking UP. Where the top of the door will go, there is a corresponding "peg", again attached to the main body of the fridge/freezer, pointing DOWNwards. What do you have to do to get the door fitted on between these two "pegs". Yes, this is one of the systems whereby you can open the door either way, but that is not the problem. Thanks for your interest!
  18. Can anyone tell me how to fit the door back onto the freezer part of this Indesit BAAN10? It sprang off while I was trying to pull out one of the drawers. I've tried the online manual, whose diagrams do not assist me at all!
  19. Our grandfather clock isn't working. We need an expert. Can you recommend someone please?
  20. On Sheffield Community Transport (e.g. bus #10 or 10a) you can use your bus pass and pay £1 between 9 and 9.30 a.m. Is there a similar allowance on First or Stagecoach?
  21. We were given a Fuschia (Ellbelle) in May 2015. The branches come from a single central stem about two feet high. The flowers were lovely. The plant was, and still is, in a pot. In the autumn 2015 things died down and we were left with the skeleton of the plant, just the brown wood, with its small branches sticking out of the main stem. It really looked rather dead. Then we noticed tiny little green leaves at the top of the plant in the summer of 2016, and nothing in the lower sections. But I now see (Oct 2016) a fair amount of activity (leaves) at soil level where the plant meets the soil. Is all well? What should I do to encourage new growth? Does it need to stay its height? Would pruning help and how?
  22. We have an old television Sony Trinitron Colour TV, model KV - 24LS35U, which produces an exceedingly poor, dull picture. It is being replaced. What do I do with the old one? Can anyone make use of any of it? Advice, please.
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