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About Camrat78

  • Birthday 27/01/1978

Personal Information

  • Location
    At the bottom, but looking up!
  • Interests
    Rugby League!
  • Occupation
    Lab supervisor

Camrat78's Achievements


Contributor (6/14)



  1. Hi, I'm looking for saxophone lessons. Would need to be able to borrow an instrument for the lessons as not wanting to buy a saxophone until I know I like playing.
  2. It wasn't the wrong spec, or in fact anything a test before hand could have picked up. Cant go into too many details but an issue caused the concrete barrier to have a number of pop outs (anyone stuck in the traffic could see them, they looked like bullet holes) and it was deemed that this had caused such a detrimental effect to the barrier that it had to be removed.
  3. It doesn't matter how many sets of wheels it has. It calculates the time from the first axel going over the first wire to it going over the second. Its not to try to catch people, but so they can get a rough idea of the sort of speeds people are doing to see if traffic calming measures are needed.
  4. Smithy... What sort of price was that work if you don't mind me asking?
  5. I was there too. Real good natured humour, loved it
  6. It was a really good talk last night, could listen to Simon talk for hours. Also good to see so many people there, hopefully some of them will keep coming back.
  7. Firstly, you are right about newly laid asphalt being more slippery than the older stuff. This is to do with the fact that there is a fresh, thin layer of bitumen covering the stone in the material. As this is worn away with trafficking etc, this will expose the natural skid resistance of the stone, and in effect make the road rougher, giving a better grip. For most roads in the city there is a minimum PSV (polished stone value) specified. This is not the same for footpaths though. Regarding minimum thicknesses, this depends on the size of the aggregate in the layers. For footpaths where a 6mm aggregates material is used, the British standards call for a layer of around 25mm thick. Roads containing 14mm aggregate as a surface course, will be laid around the 40mm mark. The majority of the material being laid on the main roads are probably a proprietary 'thin surfacing' system and will be designed to perform at such depths.
  8. Does anybody know if there is a toddler group in Intake and times/days/ages etc? Thanks __________________
  9. Babycamrat has just turned two, and is quite advanced and extremely independant. So independant it'd be easier if he wasn't!!! When it comes to potty training and trying to get him to sit on a potty all we get is "No! I wear a nappy!" I know some people say you should go at the childs speed but I'm thinking by this age he should be out of nappies by now (plus they are costing a fortune!) He knows when he wants/doing a poo but he just doesn't want to give up the nappies. What should we do? Go at his pace and risk him turning 22 and still wearing them, or force him into pants and run the gauntlet of the screaming banshee and the incredible tantruming child!
  10. My half brother was interviewed on the series. He used to keep pigeons just off city road. Would love o see this series again. If anyone fancies doing me a copy for a reasonable price I'm open to offers
  11. My Dad, Edward Dalton would have attended around the early to mid 1940s, he was born 1936. He lived on the manor but not too sure where, I'll ask for more details.
  12. Does anybody know of any skip hire companies that are reasonably cheap?
  13. I was there 89-94 and I agree, he was a legend. It was the worst thing to be sent to 'Man Moxon', but he always got the respect he deserved! RIP
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