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Everything posted by John

  1. I rarely saw him in Wap probably because he worked nights but Wolf (Wulf) is built like a brick and I would say he is far harder than Big Martin. Wolfie however was a regular and is definately another person who you may be thinking of. I think, but I am not 100% sure if I am thinking of the correct person here, but he always wore a cap like this http://www.twenga.co.uk/offer/47066/6212635864846787619.html and he helped out in the burger van outside Rebels in late 80s. Since you've mentioned the camo jacket I am begining to think this is the right person.
  2. I can remember seeing you around but I don't think we ever talked back then. I certaintly saw you hanging around with Weir (RIP) a lot who I spoke to quite often when he was down City hall Drop on Friday nights. Now Wolfie, I have a problem picturing his face here. The name is very familiar in fact, I think I may know 2 different people going by this name Wolf / Wolfie as to why I am having problems. Is Wolf the big guy who broke Martin nose?
  3. Did you ever hear about an incident involving 100s of free cadbury cream eggs being handed out outside Rebels where Tim got arrested? Big Tim appears in Fox photo collection, 2nd from bottom with Les in same photo frame.
  4. I was the one that was always sat in the first booth with Soldier, Warren, Sam, Sophie, Big Martin, Kath, Joy, Darren, Eve <I'll add some more names when I can remember them> and I was one of the guys playing pinball with Soldier along with Felix and Warren when he wasn't so off his head. We would turn up bang on 7pm Saturday night after leaving hornblower. I would often take a break from pinball and played table football. Second booth was occupied by Felix, Rachael, Sue, Claire. Felix is the one wearing red XMAS hat in this photo http://www.thewookie.co.uk/rock/trev-reunited/img022.jpg Soldier would always unscrew the lighbulb in the first 2 booth every Saturday night without fail to make that corner darker. It took Olga a couple of years to come up with a solution. She used perspex screwed over the hole housing the bulb. If you see the covering in Casbah that the history of why it there. jackielynne, you've come up with a lot of names that aren't that common that I reconised. I think we may have crossed paths some time or another but I don't quite recall your name. I've got 100s of photos, some undeveloped, just never got round to scaning them.
  5. The quarry itself could have been the pink bit that I've ring fenced. I never knew it was there until I saw the map because it wasn't visible if you stood on the back field.
  6. I too remember this farm building when me and mates would spend summer there. The whole area was locally known as the "back field". I used to live on Foxwood Avenue in 1970-80. One of my mates lived on Newlands Grove and his back garden accessed Foxwood Road if you climbed onto his hut. Two houses on Newlands grove where bought by the developers which was then knocked down to make way for Penthorpe Close. This road didn't exists 20 years ago. I've marked everything here for you, see map: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6123/backfieldbi9.jpg Everything green - didn't exists in 1980. The red building, if I got the right one was the only house there surrounded by this field. The brown bit close to the red building were empty metal containers which you could enter into. There was a donkey tied up near here. The cyan bit in the 1980's were garages which now look like a new house. The blue bit are the 2 houses that got knocked down to make way for the new road access. The pink bit - that always been there, but I would need to go to the site to confirm this as I have not seen it for over 20 years. The pink bit I've ring fence, you could not access that area when you went on to the back field. Finally, the yellow bit is the farm. The building was in a very bad state by the late 70s. There were steps on the outside of it that allows access to upstairs. I can remember the barn entrance on the first picture in http://www.picturesheffield.com but the second photo nothing looked like that in the late 1970's. The floorboard were all but gone around that time. Someone from the pink area would come out and chase you if you were caught in these buildings. On the back field itself no one really bothered you. Foxwood road back in 1980 had no tarmac on and kind of fade away by the time it got close to the red house.
  7. I know Sheffield isn't an island. You could equally say each of those cities has it own 3 agents on level 1 operating the 3x3x3 system, and so will Leeds, Worksop, etc. While you may branch out in their areas, they no doubt also branch into yours (Sheffield). The end result stays the same - swings and roundabout as it were. I think I call it a day in this thread - I've learnt a lot and I think our collective information give other people a better understanding how MLM works and give them a chance to make their own decisions. It'll work for some based on very hard work and equally a lot of luck.
  8. I disagree with you in when you say it is not over saturated but let adopt your shop analogy and limit it to The City of Sheffield. level 1 ~ 12 level 2 ~ 144 level 3 ~ 1,728 If there were 12 agents and each manage to find 12 members each to form their own group then there would be 144 + 12 members. Now if those 144 agents then recruited 12 members to its own group you'd end up with 1,728 + 144 + 12 members. Ignoring the self-employed aspect of it, KLZ probably end up being the largest employer in Sheffield if you manage to be successful in recruiting a perfect 1-2-3 level system with just 12 members per group but you and I know that is impossible because no one on level 3 would make enough money and so the system can not be sustained - it is well overcooked. Let reduce it to 3 agents per group which sound quite reasonable on the face of it but it is still over saturated for Sheffield when adopting 1-2-3 perfect level system. 3 agents recruiting 3 members and those 3 members recruit 3. level 1 ~ 3 level 2 ~ 9 level 3 ~ 27 results in 39 agents = over saturated for Sheffield. If you disagee with me then you might as well say there is enough business in Sheffield to open up 39 (3 + 9 + 27) kleeneze shop in town centre. After all each and every one of you are self-employed fighting your own market share of the business. When you start to look like that, people will begin to understand where I am coming from when I say it is over saturated. Sure, I don't know how many agents are operating in Sheffield but given that you (bawdyed) is constantly recruiting people, his/her retention failure rate must be high and this to me is a clear sign that too many are chasing after the same market share. You can dress it up with "They can't hack it" if you want but it won't change my views on the reason why people don't last long.
  9. But he didn't use £1,000 he used £600. I wouldn't worry about it, he explained after my questioning in reference to "they are far out" only to be told that agents are given different % bonuses afterward. I was correct in questioning it, the reply I got in stating that "they are not far out" made me look as if I was in the wrong. That is clearly not the case based on all data presented to me at the time of writing that post. Hence the reason why I asked for either of you to explain.
  10. In the light of bawdyed accurate figures, I agree, they don't get 12.5%. Forget I ever mentioned it. You honestly don't believe that do you?
  11. I disagree I'll correct you based on bawdyed information. Your personal sales are £600 you will make £21 in every £100 = £21 x 6 = £126 + no bonus tier kicks in because you've not made enough sales so you only get £126 for £600 of sales. So if you then recruit 2 more people who each do £600 they will earn £126 too. So then your group turnover is 3 x £600 = £1800 so you now get 8% bonus on your own personal sales. So you still get the £126 + 8% = £126 + £10.08 p = £136.08p So your total on your own personal sales is now £136.08p + 2% on the other 2 people. so they have turned over £1200 x 2% = £24. so you now earn £136.08p + £24 = £160.08 £160.08 is way out from your figure of £275 Even Bawdyed figure in his example is lower than yours off the back of £800 worth of sales.
  12. My post was submitted some hours after Bawdyed wrote his post above which contains far more accurate information. What I don't understand is why The Gerbil and Bawdyed figures are different when it comes to the upline figures. It is out by a large margin. Either of you want to explain?
  13. OK, thanks. Don't worry about the maths; the upline gets 12.5% I am surprised that there is no honeymoon period as to when someone who is "fresh" can recruit. Surprised because the model should fail if you didn't retain some control. I guess the market is already saturated as to why people drop out when they discover that the £££ aren't coming in because everyone is fighting for the same customer base. Statistically, (according to my calculations using what I would consider successful and fair) approximately 85% fail until it reach saturation point. That 85% is likely to far higher because of the maturity of existing agents prevents new players from establishing a foothold. So further down the chain you are, the harder it becomes. Does that tie in with your drop out rate?
  14. The Gerbil, while writing the next installment, could you include: 1) How much money does the person who recruited you makes in terms of % of the product sold and how much the person who sold the product get in % term. 2) How long or what does a person needs to do for before they are "promoted" which enable them to recruit other members to work below them? 1 year? 5 years? x amount of product sold? ££££ earned? 3) What is the staff turnover like, at the moment bawdyed is almost here every day recruiting. If the work and money was that good, why is there a need for constant recuirment? Surely the market would be saturated by now if the staff turnover is so low and that demand is why the constant need for recrument. 4) When someone pays for these catalogue does the person who recruited you make any money from this in anyway?
  15. EnviroDiesel Ltd, Unit 13A Provincial Park Nether Lane, Ecclesfield, Sheffield, S35 9ZX Phone: 0114 246 6151 or 01302 863864 email : info AT envirodiesel.co.uk Website doesn't seem to be working but I did see it about 2-3 years ago. From what I can remember, they will pick it up if it if you have a lot of it. Give them a ring and see what they say.
  16. I really did want to go on tour around that time but never got to go myself in the end. Added to the growing list of things to do!
  17. That sign was last seen in the center for popular music.
  18. The worst Job doing work for a client who in the end didn't pay me despite his client paying him only to bankrupt himself soon later and restart the company under a new name.
  19. With the success of LOR, which other books would you like to see or is worthy of being made into a film?
  20. Has anyone been to a fortune teller? My friend went and the fortune teller who told her you will be given money by your ex-husband soon. Her reply was, no way because she already got her share from the divorce recently. However, the ex-husband died a few weeks later and he had her in his will. Coincident or do they really know our future? What is your experience?
  21. A moderator not using the search feature.... shame on you. (edit: thread now merged, well spotted John - Geoff)
  22. bambi at Rex cinema which is now a car park for co-op
  23. I was at High Storrs too, the 4 house names where taken from the head of the house surname back in the 80s.
  24. The film in question is called Among Giants. here is a link about it http://www.jamesbowman.net/reviewDetail.asp?pubID=339 It could well be the pylon that was used in the filming. Do you know when it was painted Yellow? If it around 1998-1999 then it is a good chance that the pylon.
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