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About alchemist

  • Birthday 18/02/1957

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  • Location
    Gods Own County
  • Interests
    games, being free taxi to kids
  • Occupation
    IT support

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  1. Not heard anything about this for a while so its obviously having a major disruptive effect. Are the mugs still out, losing money fighting the cause of a union that has the monk on because another union is being recognised and there is no need for another one?
  2. What I dont understand is why are the workers happy to loose money over what is essentially an inter union dispute?
  3. Its still being used as a scrapyard with scrap cars being stored on the footpath totally blocking it, nothing ever seems to change.
  4. I am of the opinion that a large percentage of cyclists DO think that they are not subject to ANY laws and that we should be worshipping for "saving the planet"
  5. OK, not strictly the same but does hold some relevance!! Look at the crash @ 35 secs in where the cyclist just seems to continue on his merry way
  6. That is one ugly looking pile of crap. Bet the ex-owner thought he was the bees knees with women swooning everytime he passed
  7. Its a stereo vocal music mix recorded on (if i recall correctly) standard speed on an Akai 4000DS which sadly went to meet its maker many moons ago. I will probably send it to one of those commercial transfer companies and wondered if there were any to avoid or look into
  8. I have a reel to reel audio tape that I need converting to digital format. Has anyone had any experience in doing this,? Any recommendations as to reliable or suitable companies that can perform this task?
  9. The conservatives chose the worse possible version of a form of PR. They had to put PR to the vote to keep the lib dems happy as part of the coalition agreement. They chose the worse version to ensure that the referendum would loose then poured millions into trashing it to ensure that it did.
  10. FYI https://www.electoral-reform.org.uk/how-the-2024-election-could-have-looked-with-proportional-representation/
  11. When its tarquin time round here you cant see the pavement for cars parked on them!!! Brightside Motors use the entire pavement as a scrapyard on a permanent basis
  12. FPTP has always and will always be a grossly unfair system. still, its alot easier to understand and fairer than the outlandish american electoral college system!! 🥴
  13. Drinkers around the cathedral having one of their usual set tos ending up with one going over the wall?
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