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About neeeeeeeeeek

  • Birthday 21/01/1973

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  1. Hi, and thanks for the reply. 1. It's a freehold flat in an old hotel so we just own the freehold on our flat. 3. We know who the freehold owner of the communal areas and I guess grounds is but it isn't us. 2. Our deeds just say 'to use forecourt for parking, not more than one vehicle on'. I found a marked area online see 6. below. 4. The parking isn't allocated so it's first come first serve for people who have it in their deeds. 6. There isn't a plan in our deeds of the forecourt but I found a previous application online from 2001 for converting another bit of the building and in that it refers to - 'the owners of the existing flats have access rights to the area edged blue' (but the scan is black and white!) I've asked the council for a colour copy but from that we do know there is a marked area where we can park but it is shared. I hope that helps. The original planning application for the conversion to flats isn't online, there might be more info on about the parking in that but my guess is it will show the areas marked in blue on the 2001 application as the car park. Is there somewhere I can get that from? Also our deeds are from 1980 Thanks again.
  2. The forecourt area is pretty obvious when you look at the building but it is not shown on our deeds. We think that the forecourt area should also include a few more spaces which are obviously part of the forecourt when you look at it, but those are already leased out by him separately to the ones he says are the area we can park in, so we believe we should actually have access to even more parking than the few spaces that are available to us. The wording in the deeds is exact as in the first post; 'to use forecourt for parking, not more than one vehicle on' so we have permission to park one car on the forecourt. He allocated the spaces a before we bought the flat, the person who owned our flat did not have a car so probably wasn't bothered. The bollards are a new thing but those spaces were already allocated to people so as far as he is concerned he has no reason to say he is putting bollards up as he says we can't park in those spaces.
  3. There are limited spaces available, most flats don't have access to parking in their deeds and the people he has given spaces to I don't think have it in their deeds, so they should not be parked there. We now struggle to get a space.
  4. I am hoping @Jeffrey Shaw will see this as he as offered very good advice before. I have a freehold flat which has parking available for those who have it mentioned in their Deeds. It is in our deeds and is listed in the easement rights and privileges section of the deeds and says 'to use forecourt for parking, not more than one vehicle on' So we have permission to park one car in the forecourt area. The freehold owner has allocated some of those spaces to specific people and put bollards in reducing the area where we can park considerably. I would be interested to hear if he is allowed to do this. I have my own thoughts and have posted the question on a different forum so was interested to see if the views here from people in the know match what I have been told on another forum. Thanks in advance for any advice
  5. The graphics card sells for between 60 & 90 on eBay so hopefully it's worth more than that. It is, I've just checked. Not looked at the BIOS to see if it will overclock but it's a decent gigabyte board so hopefully.
  6. I never use my PC so might as well flog it. It's hardly been used. Not really up-to-date with pc stuff these days so thought I would ask on here what people think it's worth! Thanks Decent case and power supply Intel I5 4690 3.5ghz processor 8gb ddr3 ram 250gb Samsung pro SSD boot drive 1tb hd for storage Radeon R9 200 graphics card Gigabyte motherboard Activated win10 install Can include mouse and keyboard
  7. I'm looking for well rotted horses manure if anyone knows anywhere local. There was a great stables off the roundabout Rotherham side of j33 but it's gone!! Also tried the stables up hag lane. Any ideas? Thanks :)
  8. Whisting, scandy cop thing, was really good it's on Iplayer.
  9. if you are that worried about being near a rat you probably shouldn't go to any park, or city, or near anyone that feeds the birds in their garden, they are everywhere!
  10. most laptops have error codes within the lights. what model is it? and do any lights flash when you power it on?
  11. Watched Des and thought it was pretty poor. Just watched all three seasons of Broadchurch as I missed them when it came out and they were all brilliant. Deffo worth a watch.
  12. New series of Bake off, I thought it was good. Not generally sure about Matt Lucas but I liked him, he did a good job in the first episode. Look to be some interesting people in the tent and nice to have a program which has some normality about it, a welcome distraction! Good on him for his Boris mockery at the start as well!
  13. They taking fridge freezers again? i don't want to drag it up there to find it was not on some list of essential only items!
  14. Looking at buying a listed property, it looks like quite a bit of work has been done over the years without permission and it's general state of repair means it needs quite a lot of work doing. Owner says the council just aren't interested and have never been to see the place even when asked, he seems genuine.. if you have a listed property, how have your found the council? Last thing we want is to buy it and then get told loads of things have been done and we have to put it back to how it should be! Cheers
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