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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. Agreed. It's malicious and actually a form of incitement.
  2. Oh look the Tory tabloids aren't touching these stories that are very much in the public interest, propping up the Tory government. Nothing new there.
  3. Isn't this what happened down South last year? Wasn't it flooding areas higher up of the new flood defences?
  4. That's nothing. Did you miss this? http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/nov/27/michael-gove-rebuked-phoning-prospective-prison-inspectors or this? http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/sep/29/uk-and-saudi-arabia-in-secret-deal-over-human-rights-council-place
  5. I don't think we want to be speaking up for the departed's views on matters after their death. That's why I've kept quiet on this. Tony Benn was an amazing man. ---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 23:23 ---------- Yes, exactly like I said in my post. Did you miss that?
  6. Feelings run very strongly on this grave issue. Local people were always going to be watching how their MP voted. They have a right to air their views to their MP. MPs should not be surprised if they get tweets showing dissatisfaction from their constituents. They should welcome them. They are the ones who want to get people interested in politics. It's part of a healthy democracy. Attempting to silence constituents who disagree with them is unhealthy, except in the case of offensive language or threats. If there are large numbers of local people who disagree very strongly with how their MP has voted, so much so, that they may vote for another party, then it is in any party's interest to assess whether they should support that candidate in future elections. It's just logic.
  7. Corbyn made his position clear. Not once has he insulted those who disagreed with him on Syria, unlike Cameron.
  8. Corbyn is his own man. That's why the media hate him and so do the Conservatives. He's not motivated by wealth and status, so he is harder to manipulate. I don't see anywhere where Corbyn has insulted people who have dared to vote against him. It was Cameron who started with the diabolical insults and abuse. Perhaps if he had been gentlemanly enough to apologise, he would have set a slightly better example.
  9. Who allowed their MPs a FREE vote on Syria? Corbyn or Cameron? Who labelled people who voted against him as terrorist sympathisers? Corbyn or Cameron? If you want to look at nasty bullying, look to Mr Cameron.
  10. This serves to highlight that the media have far too much unchecked power in this country and when they fear their own interests are under threat there are no depths to which they will not stoop.
  11. Like, the Tory Syria vote was almost certainly not likely to be whipped? Watch this space.
  12. It is disgusting all the furore the press have made and Conservatives saying Corbyn must give MPs a free vote, and then Tories use the whip and NOTHING is said. This is what Corbyn is having to deal with every day. Absolute hypocrisy from the press and the government and its supporters. It will only get worse after the Oldham by election result, as the media/establishment are frightened to death as Corbyn is his own man and will not be dictated to by them. There should be an investigation in to the bias of the media at least. ---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 22:23 ---------- Absolutely, especially after Cameron's 'terrorist sympathisers' comment. He is coming across to me as a big bully boy.
  13. No, it was a whipped vote. It was made clear by the Conservative MP on Question Time last night. The Guardian have also reported it.
  14. Invited commentator on Sky yesterday was saying Labour was losing voters hand over fist because of Corbyn. Today, they of course are saying this victory has nothing to do with Corbyn.:hihi:
  15. Strawman alert! No one has said they don't.
  16. So, Eric, it's not just Guardian readers that are viewing this kindness with a little suspicion.
  17. He has been portrayed as a very 'insecure' person. It was Valentines day. Neighbours say they heard the arguing....
  18. Wrong and wrong. ---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:31 ---------- Also wrong. ---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:34 ---------- He wasn't confident then. ---------- Post added 03-12-2015 at 11:35 ---------- Well no they didn't.
  19. I have been a few times with a relative. I find the time spent in the queues unacceptable. Especially, when 3 or 4 tills are shut and when you are having to pay for the privilege.
  20. Also same kind of pairing often used in S8. Sometimes one kid on bike and up to four others on the prowl.
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