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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. Is her surname Everette or Everest, as your post states? Is it you personally who is looking for her, or is she officially missing?
  2. If they did, it couldn't have got much coverage, unlike the Tom Watson affair, but then, that's not surprising.
  3. You seem to be more interested in the family receiving an apology from Mr Watson, than from the police.
  4. HOORAY!!! :clap: Fantastic news. So glad that John has been given this honour. Well done Forummers and wider Sheffielders for bringing this to the attention of SCC. Well done SCC, is this a new policy of 'listening'? But most of all well done John, you are a true Sheffield legend and if anyone deserves this then you do.
  5. Which church was this, Ann, please? What happened? I can find no other info.
  6. Sounds like he needs to talk to the Sheffield Futures link person for his school. They have computer programmes that help young people find careers and courses to match their strengths and interests, I believe. Most deadlines for applications are the end of January, I think, so he's got a few weeks left to decide. Has he got mocks coming up soon at school? If so, his results from those will help him decide.
  7. Great to read your first post on Sheffield Forum, Gloria. I'm going to break a habit, and correct your words: You are not 'just a normal housewife'; you are an inspiration to many. What you are doing is awesome and every act of kindness whether large or small that goes towards making your event so special is a miracle.
  8. I find Toby's big FAT breakfast rather satisfying. You stick to your Radio 4 rolled oats, if you prefer. I guess it's (non-PC high) horses for courses.
  9. Obviously, I must be a liar because you don't like what I am saying. The people who I travel with in the car who can vouch for everything I have said must therefore also be liars, according to you. It's a shame that you should make such an assumption, knowing nothing about me, as you also do with my gender. I suppose the other people who have cited disgraceful examples of driving by drivers of the very same taxi company are liars too. I don't see much point in debating with you further on the subject.
  10. Totally agree. I have lost count of the times that drivers of a certain Sheffield Taxi company have just stopped dead in front of me with no indication. I'm beginning to wonder if they WANT me to drive in to them. If I wasn't a very safe and experienced driver, I would have had smashed in to at least one this week. It always seems to be the same company. Last week one decided to do a U Turn in the middle of a main road right in front of me with no indication whatsoever.
  11. Out driving last night, I came across two hoverboard riders also on my stretch of road. Their boards were lit up brightly with blue LEDs. They were much less of a hazard than the many cyclists I come across in the dark without any lights.
  12. We also sell knives, aerosols, matches and have done for years. The problem is idiots who are totally out of control. We know from previous threads on here, if it is not fireworks being thrown at pedestrians and road users, it's rocks. We have all these incidents all over Sheffield, yet only one arrest at the time, according to the Star report, is that correct?
  13. Toby Foster is talking about this live now on Radio Sheffield. He is discussing the video from Abbeydale Road and reports from other areas of Sheffield, including Tinsley where reportedly, people were firing fireworks in to car windows. He is inviting people to discuss the incident, the first caller from Burngreave is now on the line, reporting incidents from last night and the past week. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radiosheffield I note another thread has been started about the fireworks on Abbeydale Road last night. Please could we change the title of this thread, as it looks as if it is about an organised display from the title?
  14. Egg mayonnaise sandwiches, cheese and crackers, French bread and pate, sausage rolls, pizzas - why not ask everyone to bring a plate?
  15. You could enquire if there are any of these left....
  16. Why not watch some youtube 'how to' videos? It's easier than you think.
  17. Isn't it easy to suggest something if you know it's going to get blocked?
  18. Some short men are a turn off, some short men are sexy. Some fat men are a turn off, some are sexy. Some tall men are a turn off, some are sexy. It's about personality every time.
  19. What difference does that make? He was still making the claims also. Let's face it, rather worryingly, it appears that for some, this is not about transparency but rather political point scoring.
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