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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. Are you referring to Rolf or Tom here, it's unclear?
  2. Perhaps you prefer the BBC's silent approach?
  3. Ah, of course. It probably fell out from between the pages of an old Punch magazine when Mrs Overall was having a quick dust round. If the deeds to my house went missing I wouldn't be holding Pickfords responsible, I'd be holding my solicitor responsible, as he was the one I entrusted them to.
  4. Yes, unlike our Prince, on that DIY SOS programme the other night.
  5. And where's Zac Goldsmith? You appear to have it in the neck for Watson, why not Zac Goldsmith? ---------- Post added 17-10-2015 at 04:49 ---------- If it's regarding a file in the Home Office and he was the Home Secretary, who else is responsible for its safekeeping?
  6. Please tell me you have reported this to the police and have got a crime number. Their next victim might not be so lucky.
  7. Yes and those words are synonymous with"absolutely in the public interest" and "not in the establishment's interest". Or do you think the repeated, organised abuse of children is not in the public interest?
  8. Yes they do. A good degree in a modern language is a four year course, including a year spent abroad, and then a year PGCE is 5 years.
  9. Lack of parental support on the whole, impossible targets, forever changing goalposts put in place by over-privileged idiots who have never even attended a non-fee paying school in their life, inspections by people with agendas, lack of respect from most sections of society, horrific hours, shocking pay when it's calculated on an hourly basis and compared to other professionals, disgusting working conditions eg not being able to have breaks including toilet breaks, hands tied by red tape when it comes to disciplining pupils, bullying by incompetent heads, under constant scrutiny both professionally and personally, under attack daily from people who know absolutely nothing about what the job entails, having departmental budgets constantly cut so you are struggling for resources, having to pick up the pieces when schools increasingly employ non-qualified staff to teach classes instead of qualified teachers, threats from aggressive parents, having to increasingly do the job of a parent as well as teach pupils.... Who would NOT want to be a teacher? No wonder it's attracting people in droves and the retention figures for the profession are at their highest!
  10. I've not noticed an increase in owls, or badgers this year but I have noticed a significant increase in foxes and an extremely steep increase in rats, hence starting the thread: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1428414
  11. Does Zac Goldsmith? http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/oct/14/zac-goldsmith-urged-to-withdraw-paedophile-ring-allegations
  12. Is there a Fright Night this year in Sheffield centre?
  13. http://www.sheffieldnewsroom.co.uk/refugee-crisis-donation-drop-off-point-at-the-town-hall/
  14. Sorry for your loss. God bless you and your family. x
  15. You ought to try it. Your response to my comments on the shoddiness of the journalism only showed that you saw what you wanted to see.
  16. Now that doesn't surprise me. I've seen cars just pull up through the drive in, sit in the car park, stuff their faces and then throw all the litter straight out of their car windows on the car park. Disgusting.
  17. Totally agree. Absolutely disgusting programme and journalism at its worst. The only dirt they were interested in was on Chris Fay's light switch, which we had to see in all its glory more than once. Mentioned Chris Fay's past conviction but failed to mention the past convictions of those VIPs accused. ---------- Post added 08-10-2015 at 20:31 ---------- http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/oct/07/bishop-peter-ball-escaped-charges-mps-royal-family-intervened-court Absolutely shocking. And for the DM lovers: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3263475/Bishop-abused-young-priests-naked-prayers-got-away-two-decades.html The comments section is worth a look.
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