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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. That may be so, but unfortunately, there is a large number of people across Sheffield who feel that Labour has not held Amey to account and that yet again, they have not listened to people. The last time I saw such widespread discontent across the city on a single issue was the St Lukes/Graves Park debacle which cost Labour dearly. If Labour want to win overall control, they need to apologise to residents, finally listen to them, and try to resolve the problem of many upset residents before it's too late.
  2. I've noticed in the past week a significant rise in the number of rats I've seen in various parts of our city. Has anyone else, or have I just been 'lucky'?
  3. Hi Nat. It was great to actually see you in person tonight. That 20% makes a big difference. Thank you. xxx
  4. Get 'em back up the chimneys and down the mines, eh?....and tax 'em to the hilt.
  5. it is easier for a rich man to enter a pig than the kingdom of heaven
  6. In that case, no one should be having kids then, according to you. ---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 15:06 ---------- Did you complain so vociferously when you discovered you were paying for IDS's £39 breakfasts?
  7. She took the sick man of Europe, killed him with her medicine, and then sold the spoon.
  8. Wasn't it Terry Fox who lost his seat on the council around the time of the Labour St Lukes/Graves Park fiasco? As far as I am aware, it was Jack Scott who was responsible at the council for this tree fiasco for years, until his recent shuffle. ---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 03:27 ---------- Good. About time.
  9. Ahh. That old chestnut. You may find this helpful.... http://muckraker.me/2013/01/02/what-to-do-if-your-freedom-of-information-foi-request-is-denied/ 2) If a public body refuses to release information, ask them to conduct an internal review. If the review finds in their favour, you can escalate it to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) who will then conduct an independent review. I recommend doing this. When public bodies refuse to release info, it’s often because they think the journalist will just go away. They’re betting that you have a deadline to meet and don’t have time to argue with them. Prove them wrong. If nothing else, you’ll make them think twice about denying requests on a whim. If only we had one decent local journalist who could shed some light on what is going on....
  10. Haven't police representatives said on record that they may not attend burglaries now due to cuts? It's a terrible thing what happened. Every weekend lives are lost due to mindless violence, it's time for tougher deterrents. I am a little confused though to see this being described as 'murder' on all our news channels. I thought for it to be murder, it had to be pre-meditated. According to the description of events we have, it doesn't seem to be a pre-meditated incident, in fact it seems less so, than many inner-city attacks which are referred to as man-slaughter or unlawful killings.
  11. The Conservatives have always had a great admiration for the Chinese work model. Especially their approach to health and safety in the construction industry.
  12. Well now we know he took the eggs in to the conference but who packed the bacon?
  13. Indeed it is disgusting and if the GMC are to retain any credibility they need to start an immediate investigation in to this, and expel any so-called "professionals" who have accepted such payments. I would also like to know what our Health Minister is doing about this disgusting scandal?
  14. Mail order catalogues and online versions seem to have a decent stock in most of the year round.
  15. You berate me for bringing taxis into it, when it was in fact you that did. You badger me for a solution, when I have already explained, I don't have one, but I have made possible suggestions. Is there something in the Sheffield Forum Rules that state you cannot ask a question without having the answer yourself, or is that your rule, ash? As I have already inferred, police are shipped in and the system works because there are financial incentives there, I presume, in the form of overtime. I imagine the problem could be resolved by making more resources available, like with most things.
  16. You brought up the taxis as a comparison in your previous post. Where do they get the extra police from for demonstrations and football matches on a busy Saturday afternoon? Are they made to work? Or is the pay such, that they choose to work overtime for their own or another city? Are we forbidden for asking questions on the forum, unless we can offer the solutions ourselves?
  17. Ahh I thought I read somewhere that taxis from neighbouring towns were stepping in.
  18. Of course I'm serious. Your comparison with the O2 fire is a bit daft - we're not talking about 'just in case' here, are we? We're talking about a totally foreseeable event which happens every year. The police, like ambulance staff/paramedics etc is an emergency service. If we can organise to ship in hundreds of police 'just in case' something kicks off during a demonstration, why can't we organise to ship in paramedics, etc, from neighbouring areas, when we KNOW there is going to be a higher demand for these services, and we know lives will be put at risk?
  19. So, this happens every year and the service is stretched to the max? This is a foreseeable event. When big numbers are expected for demonstrations, sports events, etc the police ship in numbers from neighbouring forces, 'just in case'. Why doesn't this happen in Sheffield, when actual lives are at risk then?
  20. It wasn't a white flat bed, was it? I saw a guy, thought he might be a scrap man, abusing motorists in the Crystal Peaks centre car park, last time I went. Looked like he liked to circle around the place.
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