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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. For a moment, I thought you were referring to this http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/george-osbornes-family-struck-a-6m-property-deal-with-firm-based-in-tax-haven--reports-10373416.html
  2. A terrible tragedy. I hope the injured make good recoveries. RIP.
  3. Wouldn't banning rival groups from protesting on the same day be a sensible thing to do?
  4. Makro definitely used to do banqueting rolls, where you just cut off from a long roll. Other than that maybe try TJHughes. Maybe Staples. Pound shops often have plastic ones, sometimes 2 in a pack. Places like Home Bargains sometimes have them too, especially kids or themed ones.
  5. Really? Thanks for that Alex. Do you have anything that explains this in writing anywhere? How do you come to know this? Do you have any idea who I should be complaining to? As it really is terrible. Thanks again.
  6. I agree with the majority of what you are saying. I love the new LED lights, they are much better BUT on our street, there is one LED lampost where 2 or 3 old ones used to be - obviously a cost cutting exercise and that creates lots of unsafe unlit areas.
  7. I think you mean, 'they tend to just plonk one next to every third lampost', creating lots of unlit areas on a street.
  8. Wow. Thanks for sharing the link. It's amazing to see how many lives he enriched, from people of all backgrounds and beliefs with his kindness.
  9. Depends what you're after. If it's school logo stuff, then there's a chance, as with my kids' school, that they are the sole supplier (which I thought was supposed to have been outlawed a year or too ago). Stuff does tend to be pretty good quality and washes well. Their sizing seems to be a bit all over the place though, so make sure you take the kids and they try them on whilst they are there - and allow for an autumn growth spurt!! For their non-logo stuff - it depends on the items - I've bought trousers from them which have lasted ages, still look good and the kids have found them comfy but they have been more expensive than some of the supermarkets for some things. For non logo items, I find Sainsburys very competitive and good quality and design, especially when Sainsburys have a promotion on - think they might have at the moment. I find Sainsburys uniform is a lot better quality than some of the other supermarkets and other household name retailers.
  10. Thought her character was great and she played it really well. Was shocked to learn about this. RIP Kitty. X
  11. I really enjoyed this and laughed out loud on a few occasions - which is about the same reaction I had to Bill Bryson - cos I am a very harsh critic! I'm not a 'reader' normally. If you would like a bit more detailed feedback - as you did give me your work to enjoy for free - then feel free to pm me.
  12. Well done Jake. https://www.justgiving.com/Jake-Brady1/
  13. Don't rush in to things - that normally results in mistakes. Get your inspiration from magazines, newspapers, internet (get brochures from b and q - paint manufacturers, interior furnishing shops, etc) and make up a board of your favourite pictures - some might be of a whole room or hallway, some might just be of one object you really like - keep at it - and then after a few weeks, review everything you've got, weed out what doesn't appeal anymore and look for any common themes amongst your pictures - eg colour, textures, light, etc Of course, you could do a virtual 'board' if you prefer. Start from there. I love stuff like this.
  14. That is very sad indeed. He will be missed. My condolences to his loved ones. xxx
  15. Just popped out about ten mins ago and saw a faint one. Saw a mega bright one last night in Nottinghamshire. Wondered what it was, and then was reminded an hour or so later that it was the time for meteors.
  16. For starters: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/5187758/MPs-to-take-three-month-summer-holiday.html
  17. MPs should not be receiving a 10% increase, when public sector pay is in effect frozen yet again. If the public sector increase is equivalent to 1% over four years, or whatever draconian offer they've presented in the last budget, then that is also what MPs should get. No more, no less. Also, as school support staff in the public sector are all on pro rata salaries and don't get paid for school holidays, MPs should also be pro rata - they have more holidays than school staff. They should not be above the public sector deals they offer.
  18. I noticed in the events section that they played at Firth Park WMC on the 5 July, so maybe you could contact the club and see if they have a contact?
  19. Yes, good idea, and the residential phone book online too. Also at 192.com
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