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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. I am concerned that many violent crimes are being described as 'targetted' as if in some way, that means we can all breathe a sigh of relief as it won't effect us. What if someone else had witnessed the attack in the park? Would they have been targetted too? Only yesterday, we heard on the news that the victims in the recent Wood Green shooting were 'not the intended victims'.
  2. Have you tried doing an advanced search on ebay and narrowing it down to a 5 mile radius?
  3. Excellent stuff. Please contact the Star, Radio Sheffield and the Telegraph, and Sheffield Live if you haven't already - I'm sure they'll bend over backwards to air this great news piece. Well done to you and your son. x
  4. Some fantastic tunes on Sheffield Live at the minute. I'm listening and I'm liking. DJ Paul Taylor - thank you.
  5. Enjoying it so far. Thanks for this.
  6. When will the Labour left ever learn? They would do very well to take a leaf out of Cameron and Osborne's hymn book and promise the land of milk and honey to everyone to get in power and THEN replace all the nice sounding stuff with their extreme political idealogy and call it 'austerity'.
  7. Please report this to the police. It only takes a nervous driver to have a serious accident in situations like this.
  8. Indeed. He also healed on the Sabbath. Have you tried getting to see a Dr on a Saturday? ---------- Post added 03-07-2015 at 15:13 ---------- Excellent. Blessed are the poor, for they shall inherit the national debt.
  9. It's almost as ironic as The Star yesterday with the big 'scoop' on the thousands of pounds local schools are paying to those who 'sue' them, whilst having an advert underneath the article on the front page that was about half the size of the article itself, for....guess what? Yes, you guessed it - no win no fee compensation solicitor firm.
  10. Did you see the news? Tunisian people crying for the dead tourists, and laying tributes. Tunisian civilians putting themselves in mortal danger to save the lives of tourists, like the shopkeeper who told the fleeing tourists (who the gunman was approaching) to come and hide in his shop,and the hotel worker, who was ushering people in and telling them where the gunman was, and the builders who were throwing bricks at the gunman in an attempt to stop him. Tunisian locals, congregating on the beach, calling for an end to terrorism. The Tunisian bloke who wore his England shirt on the beach today, to show solidarity with the British. Tunisian after Tunisian showing their defiance and abhorrence of such terrorist acts. According to wikipedia, there's a 98% chance all these individuals are muslim. People for whom it would be a lot safer to look the other way, but instead risked their lives to protect the lives of strangers. The killing of those people was a terrible act beyond words, but the above is proof that there are many more people who will not allow evil to triumph by doing nothing.
  11. I did actually think it might be the ghost of Thatcher the Milk Snatcher.
  12. Have no fear. It's all part of Westminster's plan to create a Northern *****house.
  13. http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/northern-lights-aurora-borealis-could-be-visible-in-south-yorkshire-skies-tonight-1-7325216 more info here
  14. The thing is, ICK-EA are at fault here, if they are wanting us now all to suddenly start pronouncing it correctly because I distinctly remember their ads having the wrong pronunciation in them for years. Didn't they notice?
  15. Whatever we call this despicable act, it is thoroughly evil. Can anyone who has such a total disregard for human life, whether they be white, black, brown be really anything else but mentally ill? Unless you are being coerced, planning to commit multiple murders, surely is not the act of any totally mentally well person?
  16. That's handy to know. Thanks, maggidee. Perhaps it would be useful to post this also in the gardening section, if you haven't already done so.
  17. Oh, and a sat nav that has speed camera warnings is illegal in France, unless you can disable the speed camera warnings.
  18. Always called it ICK-EA as I'd shopped there in Europe for years before we had one here. When it came here, people mocked me, saying it was EYE-KEA. Well, HA!
  19. Yes. It's pretty gruelling, so make sure you have some good planned spots. If you're going to do it, try and plan some little detours in to some of the beautiful old little towns. Try and avoid times like when the whole of France breaks up from school and are heading south. With those sort of distances, even a car you thought was reliable, may not be, so have good contingency plans ready in case of a breakdown. Watch out because I was warned I nearly faced a heavy penalty, as your speed can be calculated from the previous toll apparently.
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