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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. I see no reason whatsoever for children to have facebook accounts and believe parents that allow this are putting the wellbeing of their children at risk.
  2. Spoken like someone who needs to adopt some grandkids.
  3. Thanks nikki-red, that's the one. ---------- Post added 02-02-2016 at 10:27 ---------- I'm hoping that as it is channel 4 it might be a bit more rational than the usual channel 5 documentaries.
  4. I saw a trailer for a tv programme about Sheffield. I thought it said this Wednesday. It looked like it was going to be about Eastern European immigrants to our city, and a look at the perspective of people of Asian and white British origins. Does anyone know the name of the programme, channel, and or time, please?
  5. That's why it makes a lot more economic sense to move the Houses of Parliament to Sheffield.
  6. Yes, it is a great shame. Had many a fabulous day with the family at Norfolk Park. It's a brilliant park and it's so central, and lots of good transport links, including supertram, for an event like this. The location is so good, just on the edge of the city centre, and there's ample parking close by. The outdoor bar must have made enough to keep the cost of the whole fair going?
  7. I shall miss his dulcet tones. As a young girl growing up, he always seemed to be on TV, with his very cheery disposition and seemed to give each programme or event a bit of gravitas.
  8. Is Sheffield becoming England's dustbin? Do we still incinerate everyone else's rubbish here too, polluting our air with toxic fumes and shortening our lifespan?
  9. Have you tried the Copthorne Hotel? Or the Blue Moon Café? What about outside catering? I can recommend these ladies for taste, quality, and value https://www.facebook.com/Le-Regal-1585941901621967/timeline I'm sure if you contacted them they'd put something together for your event.
  10. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3555621,-1.4713121,3a,75y,77.03h,88.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snm-QrLolPnTdqzSfbmNBKw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 When is it closing? Sorry don't know. Do they fry in dripping? Sorry don't know. Do know that it is open very limited hours, doesn't open late and their cod is amazing....beautiful thick flakes and batter is too, BUT chips a little greasy when I last went.
  11. How do you know this? The thousands of teachers who have left the profession obviously think differently.
  12. Mine's on a wall painted with bathroom paint above a row of tiles. The builder wasn't happy and neither was I when he attempted to fix it with the five pads the shop gave him, that's why he went back for another five, and I've not had a problem. It's been there over a year.
  13. Lots of water, salad with everything, spinach, good sleep, and an increase in physical activity?
  14. Mine are holding a large mirror up fine. The builder asked for the pads from the glass company where he had the mirror cut to size. He positioned it in place. He then went back to the glass shop and told them he needed double the pads they had given him!
  15. Talk to any Headteacher, Zaphod. Physics is almost as bad, and then Maths. The BBC reported on Monday that teaching vacancies are up 40% compared to this time last year. There was a Headteacher on BBC news who said he had to double up classes in Maths, so there were 60 pupils in a group, and he had to draft in 6th Formers to teach them!
  16. I wouldn't choose to go to the cinema during the day though, or at the weekend. I'd want to go with family or friends and it would have to be a week night. No, not a remote area. Just an area badly served by buses.
  17. Would that be near the old chemicals factory? If not, I wouldn't fancy it myself. Did you see the news story last night about former workers from there developing brain cancer? Brownfield sites are usually that for a good reason. There is no wonder that we are seeing increased flooding when houses are going up everywhere. ---------- Post added 22-01-2016 at 07:59 ---------- But the water has to go somewhere doesn't it? We are just shifting the flooding problem somewhere else then, surely?
  18. The tram has bypassed our part of the city altogether. Will we take a chance that the hourly bus runs on time or even turns up at all to get us to the cinema in the evening? How will we get back when they've stopped running? Sheffield had a chance to do something different with The Moor. The Peace Gardens and Winter Gardens area is visually striking but with the Moor it just looks like same old, same old and no different from any nearby town. When I went there at first, at night, the benches and the Moor seemed to be lit up at low level. Last time I went it looked dark and miserable in the evening.
  19. I also read this in The Independent but can't see it now. There are details here http://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/14216694.Father_of__terrorist_house__error_youngster_demands_apology_from_Accrington_school/?ref=trn
  20. I think it might be useful to talk things through with someone. Perhaps a total outsider. The forum is useful for this sort of thing, especially with so many caring contributors, like the ones above. It is not uncommon to feel relief when an abuser dies. An internet search reveals that.... https://www.google.co.uk/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=KDahVp3bCfDH8gey9aXQDA&gws_rd=ssl#q=when+an+abuser+dies I would be tempted maybe to contact one of the charitable organisations that might help discuss your feeling with you, either over the phone or face to face.
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