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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. That's also our experience of looking at University requirements, Binster. The trouble with this is though, that schools cannot attract good teachers of Computing because the salaries for teachers have become so out of line with what efficient professionals can get in the private sector. Add to that the workload of a teacher, and those that do consider it, are soon off elsewhere. There are simply not the good teachers to teach our children these valuable, crucial skills. If you look at A' Level computer results in recent years across our city and compare then with other subjects, they are absolutely atrocious. Our children are being sold short. This really is a national scandal.
  2. Labour's policy of investing in growth had started to work before they were ousted, when the Conservatives got in they reversed that and we had years of double-dip recessions. The only people who are seeing any rewards are those at the top. Hardworking families continue to be victims of Conservative policy. My child's school cannot attract good teachers in many subjects, and this is representative of the whole picture up and down the country. There are 40% more teaching vacancies in England now than there were this time last year. It is the same picture for sixth forms. Of course, little does this matter to a cabinet that ensures all their offspring go to Eton.
  3. How much physical, hard evidence could a 50 odd year old now, be expected to produce of an assault 30+ years ago? How much did the Savile victims produce?
  4. Thank you for your very helpful advice. I've sent you a private message.
  5. Blackmail? IF it is true, they wouldn't want them lying around the house would they?
  6. Do The Star still have an Action Desk that can help you with this sort of thing? I know they used to.
  7. I'm not surprised. This is very good news and according to the article treatment costs around 30k which is around a yearly course of treatment for MS for some sufferers. There is a Panorama programme featuring this tonight: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06ss17g
  8. I've just caught the last couple of minutes of the BBC news item (finishing around 08:45 this morning, if anyone can find it on the net) about Steven Storey and his Dr John Snowden at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. It was truly inspirational. Well done Sheffield Hospitals and to all involved in this. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-35065905
  9. Well done to you, Adam and thank you for highlighting and raising funds for this very important and worthy charity. I hope you get lots of support.
  10. Sometimes profits are turned in to dividends http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2187087/A4e-Emma-Harrison-Paying-8-6m-tax-payers-money-right-thing-do.html
  11. I'm sure Boots and perhaps Superdrug have battery collection boxes.
  12. Yes, I was going to mention some of those. There's also Bishop's House - check before you set off it's open though. Sometimes they run events too. You could go to Meersbrook Park afterwards, as it's just at the top of the park. http://www.bishopshouse.org.uk/ There are sometimes activities at the saw mill in ecclesall woods I think. Forge Dam and café is nice, as is Endcliffe Park and café.
  13. Receiving the best possible education does not mean you are the most intelligent.
  14. Thank you tzijlstra. I have been assured that the school are taking steps in an attempt to help remedy the situation also. ---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 00:15 ---------- Many thanks. ---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 00:15 ---------- No they have not been finalised yet, which gives me hope. Thank you for this. ---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 00:20 ---------- You are spot on with everything here, Annie. Thankfully, the school were very good in explaining these differences in Year 9 so my child was able to make an informed choice. In fact the school did not offer the course to those who did not meet an expected grade in maths. The situation nationally, perhaps even globally, is a real shame and sells our children short. Schools simply cannot attract good physicists and computer teachers as the salaries offered are totally unrealistic. It should be a national cause for alarm really, as we are going to have whole generations to come effectively missing these vital skills. You have to feel sorry for schools really. ---------- Post added 15-01-2016 at 00:28 ---------- I am not sure of what is missing at the moment but am trying to get to grips with it. Python and pseudo-coding has been mentioned (?) - to be honest, I'm out of my depth!
  15. Tzijlstra, to clarify, those are my words in the OP, and not the words of anyone employed by the school. I have reached my conclusion based on thorough questioning. The only reason for me providing this information is to give any perspective tutors some background. If you have read my posts thoroughly, you will understand I am not looking to blame here, just for a tutor who can help. I am not going to provide personal details about my child or anyone or institution that may be identifiable here or elsewhere, but I can assure you that you could not be further from the truth in your last paragraph in this case and I thoroughly appreciate how hard it is for staff working in schools.
  16. Thank you for your interest sgtkate. It is appreciated. I have no idea how this has happened and I haven't made my mind up yet about what I am going to do about it. At the moment though, my priority is salvaging what I can out of the situation, so I would prefer the focus on this thread to be on finding a tutor, rather than on how this situation has come about and any specifics. ---------- Post added 14-01-2016 at 09:50 ---------- Thank you 999tigger. That is good advice.
  17. If you are young as well as just having recently passed your test, then I would seriously look at buying a new car with an insurance package thrown in. Otherwise, your insurance is going to be massive on top of your car finance too. Don't make the mistake of finding a decent deal only to discover a huge insurance bill too, whatever car you are interested in, get quotes for insurance before buying. I can understand your reasons for considering a second hand car dealer but also remember that often their 'warranties' are not all they appear to be and the finance packages can be higher interest than you might get from another lender, so do shop around.
  18. I've just learned that my child who was predicted an A at GCSE has just got a D in the mock exam, due to not being taught according to the syllabus and is basically going to have to learn an awful lot from scratch for this summer. As my child wants to have a career in computing and do either computing at A'Level or BTEC next year, it is very disappointing to say the least. I am desperately looking for someone who can provide one to one tuition in line with the OCR GCSE Computing syllabus.
  19. For a Tory, you seem obsessed with Labour and more than ever since Corbyn has become leader. What are you scared of?
  20. It's not about the destination, it is all about the journey.
  21. Hopefully well before then, to give us plenty of time to get down to Wetherspoons.
  22. Yes, like the public sector on wage freezes, unless you're one of his advisors, that is.
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