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Everything posted by Hesther

  1. The council need to enforce contracts. Those not looking after property and immediate surroundings and those causing nuisance to others need warnings and then action. There is not an estate in Sheffield to match the beauty of these surroundings.
  2. I think sometimes the "adults" get more excited than the kids when they're let loose.
  3. As I understand it, the other driver was in the wrong. If there was nowhere for the OP to pull in without reversing on to a main road, and the other driver had space to pull in, even if he was coming up a hill, he should have pulled in.
  4. It was stated as a 'courtesy' in the highway code when I took my test. On the roads yesterday, I could not believe the amount of totally ignorant drivers about, including a white transit driver who pulled out of a side street as I was about 10 metres from it and turned on to the main road in front of me, forcing me to stop and pull in to let him pass me. Thank you to the City Cars driver though, who let me out yesterday afternoon on Chesterfield Road.
  5. Tyrozets. Every time. Local anaesthetic numbs throat.
  6. No probs, NewBiz. I'm glad you pointed this petition out. This petition is in fact due to be presented to the council tomorrow, I understand. So, if anyone does want to sign it, please don't delay. https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/sheffield-city-council-open-empty-bulidings-as-winter-shelters
  7. Thank you. Sounds like this might be it.... https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/sheffield-city-council-open-empty-bulidings-as-winter-shelters
  8. Thank you for your helpful replies. I am reluctant to offer cash directly, as I've read that some rough sleepers will purchase alcohol to help them get to sleep, but this can cause difficulties with them regulating their body temperature. As other posters have said, it is difficult to know what to do. I like some of the practical suggestions, like carrying spare gloves, hats, scarves in the car. I also wondered about maybe carrying a thermos and hot water bottles, maybe sleeping bags. There are obviously already a lot of kind, caring people who volunteer time and resources for organisations that support rough sleepers/the homeless and thank heavens they do. God bless them.
  9. In the city this evening, I saw two rough sleepers preparing to settle down for the night in a doorway. I wondered if there are any organisations that help rough sleepers in and around the city at night? The council website refers users to the Turning Point service, I've phoned the number but there is no answer at this time.
  10. Too true. Mind you I thought the same about Gangsta Granny. Might appeal to some young children though.
  11. I thought some of it looked like King Edward VII school.
  12. That's a rather simplistic view and flawed viewpoint. Don't forget the key environmental and social factors that impact on SEN levels - and the most shocking and devastating of all - poor care during pregnancy, birth and post-natal care. ---------- Post added 30-12-2015 at 14:54 ---------- This could also be due to a poor 'screening' system in school, or that parents with SEN children feel that their children will be better supported in other schools, so have chosen them instead.
  13. Yes, I heard they are offering an alternative sales experience this year - underwater.
  14. Nice one. What kind of thing do you envisage doing? What sort of stuff are they asking for, Anthony?
  15. Except for when you've announced extended pay freezes for the public sector year on year, in which case it is hypocrisy of the highest order. Just like this.
  16. I think that's the key phrase. Parents have an instinct that is often right and shouldn't be ignored, in my opinion. Next time there is a problem with coughing at night, record it on your phone and play it to the doctor at her next appointment. To help combat dry throats or minor throat infections, I find chewing gum regularly is the best preventative measure and cure.
  17. Same here about 1:00 this morning, on way back from Sheffield University, cars absolutely flying down Hanover way, switching lanes in front of us and other drivers. It was madness, about half a dozen taxis, private hire, and one ordinary car. All this going on and at the same time there was also an idiotic kid about 25, sauntering across the road, off his head on whatever he'd been taking, high as a kite. We had to stop as he walked in front of us, to allow him to cross and we felt vulnerable in a car! He is the luckiest kid alive. The relevance to the rest of the thread? There are so many idiots on the roads around Sheffield at the moment. Please take care, drivers and pedestrians.
  18. How totally ignorant. In my experience it is usually businesses and not private individuals that dump rubbish in woodland and other beauty spots.
  19. Comparing the Moor market with Meadowhall is like comparing Ecclesfield with Vegas.
  20. This should be illegal. Look at all the other ridiculous wage hikes of his and Cameron's other advisers too. It is beyond hypocritical. If they rule that the public sector should get a pay freeze, as they have, then that should apply to ALL workers paid by the public purse - MPs included! They should have to pay any increases back over and above what has been decreed for the 'public sector'. His advisors are already on a good salary, before this increase, in contrast with those providing frontline services. Of course, his supporters will argue that he needs to attract and keep the best people for the job. It's a pity they don't think we deserve the best people to support our children in schools, and to treat us when we are sick. Osborne and Cameron love austerity for the poor whilst they are spending, spending and spending on themselves. Another adviser, or airplane, anyone?
  21. Now that's something you don't see everyday. Have you two swapped usernames, or what?
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