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Leather man

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  1. If you could get me some Lynx, Duracell and Nescafe id be really grateful
  2. Yeah, that sticks in my throat a bit that but hey, if some seedy publication wants that kind of thing on their pages then thats up to them i suppose. No, what gets me is Clifford didnt make his money from his crimes. His crimes were committed because he was wealthy and powerful. So yeah, lock him up and throw the key away for all i care but why should his family suffer? Why should his kids inheritance be touched?
  3. Yarn? Youd need a sick mind to even think of something like that as a wind up, it woulndt cross my mind at all, me not being sick like, As for your good self? lolz
  4. Im sure you did. ---------- Post added 05-05-2014 at 10:42 ---------- Ah yes, money. Cash, Mullah, Thatll make things better and change whats happened
  5. I dont watch it, i save my remaining brain cells for Sudoku but if i was to hazzard a guess, its that hotel motel bloke who worked for Jannine when Lucy did. Cant think of his name as im not that bothered but thats who i think it is.
  6. I annoyed a girl once. I finished with her, im no catch really but she loved me and it hit her hard when we split. About 2 weeks later i got arrested. Id assaulted her and her best mate because they wouldnt do a 3some according to what shed told the police. It almost went to court but her mate must have got an attack of conscience so i was spared that and charges we eventually dropped dispite the best efforts or a local wpc who pushed and pushed for it to go to court even though it came out as being a lie . I had a nightmare, no one knew n ot even my family i was so scared. I just kept it to myself and hoped for the best, the best result would have been for them to face charges, i cant explain why but they didnt. In the end i got the best compromise, i was not charged and was free to go but so were they Without physical evidence im sure i would have won in court. As far as i see it i did nothing wrong, id not layed a finger on her or her mate so i was confident id win. Would i have though? I mean, really, two girls crying, wailing, telling a fantastic story looking all innocent and then me, a stocky shaved head (at the time) bloke with a tat on his arm and a scar above his eye (from where i was in an accident years before) add to that i was quite muscular and you have to whole deal, a thug! Never hit a girl/women or anyone really in my life but i did look a bit thuggish. Seeing the news these days i count myself more and more lucky. The men are getting locked away with no evidence, just a story. It may be a good story, but its still a story. If Max Clifford did all this then hes locked up tight behind bars (out on tag in less than 2 years i say) where he belongs but hes so adamant hes innocent it got me thinking. Did he really do it or was he just unlucky? As far as i was aware to be convicted you need proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Well wheres the proof? P.S. Anyone who wants to call me names for having this view then thats ok by me. Im not a rape apologists, or a women hater or anything of the sort. Im just someone whos been on the receiving end of a womens wrath. ---------- Post added 04-05-2014 at 12:54 ---------- Yes, all the victims may they be real or otherwise. A much better thing to do would be the government seize all his assets, sell them off, take his money from his bank accounts and then give it to rape charities and victim support charities. That way we can be certain no one has done any of this for the money and everyone was telling the truth with no ulterior motives.
  7. For the most part, Liverpool fans are the salt scum of the earth.
  8. Perhaps because hes a lying pig? A scumbag who lied, lied then lied again and is now crying like a baby. I hope he loses his savings, his house and his shirt
  9. Great stuff!! That means all the time i was going i never aged more than a few minutes. Medusa, i was having a **** birthday till you piped up. Thank you. As a gesture of good will and to say thanks i may even behave today
  10. A place for the kids to get wasted and puke all over the streets no doubt. I used to be a regular in Rawsons, i dont go there much now, when this new place opens i dont think ill be drinking in Rawsons again just in case i slip on the puke from BM.
  11. Then there is a good chance we could be screwed if it does kick off. I think ill be digging out my copy of Threads to see if i can glean any survival tips.
  12. If it ends in war it wont a a civil one in either geography or manners. Lots of nations will get dragged in as treaties will take effect. We just have to hope our government see sense and keep us the hell out of it.
  13. Sorry mate lol Im normally ok with sarcasm, i missed that one by a mile though :lol: ---------- Post added 11-04-2014 at 10:13 ---------- Well they need to muster up the courage to say "hey! I may be old but STOP PUSHING ME!" If that dont work then there may be a case for age discrimination.
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