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  1. The remnant left over from the 80s Fitzalan Square upgrade (a vape shop on Google Maps) is a bit of a blight on an otherwise pleasant update.
  2. No 'allegedly' about it. He did, and called the producer a 'lazy Irish ****'. He admitted it and had to apologise and cough up £100,000+ for personal injury and racial discrimination.
  3. Oh, yes, I see that . I meant there are issues where it's impossible to be tolerant, so it's difficult to speak generally of life rubbing off the spiky edges.
  4. Oops! Too far gone to save and restore. Oh dear. Sorry about that. 18 months later: flat pack glass and concrete cuboid student flats.
  5. Blimey, that delightful account is a fascinating insight into your Twitter timeline... I reckon Harris should have stood there and gently bopped and swayed to some easy listening music for forty minutes. Far more presidential. Looking forward to Trump's second debate with Harris, and his interviews with, say, MSNBC and CNN. Oh, wait a minute, that's right, he's chickened out because he had his ass whooped last time.
  6. And call it out when you see it, whether it's explicitly stated or disingenuously and cynically implied.
  7. Tolerant of what? Women are still told to sit down, be quiet and accept what makes them uncomfortable, or what they disagree with, although of late it often comes with a demand to 'be kind' or face the consequences. No.
  8. Personal digs? Blimey, did someone report my comment about Tony as an admin? Fantastic . That's some hair trigger button pressing. Tony was a top bloke as an admin, as I recall, and I'd be disappointed if he didn't take the comment in the spirit in which it was intended.
  9. Well, obviously. Musk, Thiel et al aren't stumping up all that cash because they like Trump's flair with a bronzing stick, and if you're going to properly **** the libtards you have to have a plan detailing exactly how you're going to make them cry. Though I suspect many will be content enough with the slogans. Mind you, someone had better explain the plans to Trump, because he seems to be struggling: Trump Crumbles When Pressed on Economic Policy in Tense Interview
  10. Either they know and don't care that Trump fulfils that criterion because they're rich and greedy and want to be more so; or know and don't care because **** you libtards; or know and don't care because that's exactly the sort of person they admire; or don't know (and likely wouldn't care anyway) because they live in a Fox News and social media bubble where Trump is a genius hunk of alpha manliness who walks on water.
  11. It's certainly going to be a tough call for Americans wondering who to vote for: the woman with voice they don't care for, or a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist whose brain is turning to scrambled eggs, who subverted the peaceful transfer of power when his con failed in 2020, and who says he'd quite like to rip up the US Constitution.
  12. Sounds like a scam. Have a read of this. If it sounds too good to be true...
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