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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. Love to hammer Rotherham to shut dumplings Toy Towns Brian and Paul up!
  2. For that night and Wembley? Worth every penny! Shame we haven’t followed it up since.
  3. Heard the fella on radio Sheffield this morning promoting this. When will we ever learn?
  4. If climate change is a conspiracy, it’s a massive one where nearly all the learned, eminent international scholar's are in on it. I doubt the the conspiracy theory.
  5. Chris Powell appointment has got to be a positive move.
  6. To ensure the local community adhere to cleaning regime, only release their benefits when they have completed a cleanup. Simples!
  7. It’s a start. Clean sheet. Onwards and upwards!
  8. You must be clairvoyant as it’s all kicked off again in the Holy land. Uncertain times ahead for the world.
  9. I take your point but I think you’re taking my comments to the extreme. Of course ability to manage and motivate the team is paramount, regardless of nationality.
  10. I don’t think you’ve spelled it correctly.
  11. I know they are good managers. I meant in Wednesday’s situation with no money to spend and struggling to field a winning side. We need someone who knows the league.
  12. No more foreign managers, they haven’t a clue about the league.
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