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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. Wasn’t it the last away match in 1980 promotion year?
  2. Well done Harry McGuire…… massive Wednesday fan…. Let’s hope he brings it home👏🏆
  3. Well ……… Senegal are rubbish! How did Utds player do?…. ….
  4. As already stated you can’t knock his willingness to travel to games from his home town. But I don’t get the whole shirt off business, as I believe he’s a decent chap?
  5. Yes! Plum tie of the round! We can now showcase our class!
  6. Then why are the council promoting bus lanes? Don’t answer to get people out of their cars as it won’t happen.
  7. More half empty buses scuttling around bus stops, impeding the natural flow of traffic, causing hazards and frustration. Stop it now! Sort it out SCC!
  8. I can maybe understand out of curiosity, but it would soon wear thin paying extortionate prices for supping out of plastic glasses in the freezing cold.
  9. Why would you drink in a container when you could drink in the Brown Bear, Bessemer, Head of Steam, All Bar One, Browns?
  10. Heart rate down now! Thanks for the win but with the class of the opposition in mind, should have obliterated.
  11. It’s a shambles! Bus lay-bys full of competitors pulling out holding the traffic flow up! Stop it now!
  12. The containers are inappropriate in that particular setting.
  13. Far too many buses on the road! Most three quarters empty. Overcrowded roads due to several different bus companies competing for the same punter. Ridiculous!
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