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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. Fantastic job! Ecstatic to be proved wrong.
  2. Can’t see a change in pattern happening. Goalkeeper passing about a bit at the back playing Russian roulette with the opposing strikers. With periodical suicidal passes into the middle of the park to midfielders with opponents up their backsides and hey presto! 3:0 down at halftime.
  3. Truly embarrassing. Shipping 8 goals at home in 3 matches!
  4. Does anyone know these tramps? https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/sheffield-men-attack-punch-dog-25040127?utm_source=linkCopy&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
  5. Is anyone surprised? The city planners and architects have carried out more damage and destruction than Hitler could have hoped for in his widest dreams
  6. What’s happening? We should be 5:0 up by now.
  7. Thanks for reminding me of that goal! Now that was a contender for goal of the season!
  8. Such a shame when the old pavilion came down.
  9. I went to the Boxing Day massacre and the April 5 game a the lane. I thought they both an all ticket.
  10. Has the Queen ever visited Rammell lane?
  11. Did Eddie Izzard act in Murder on the Orient express?
  12. I’m sure Sheffield can relate to that while they choose between freezing to death or starvation this winter………….?
  13. It is interesting. Interesting, if it happens, if Sheffield folk swallow it. Mind you, it’s a well trodden path. I am a little offended that a “celebrity “ thinks they can just rock up, with their raspberry beret, and just walk into a parliamentarian role. Never mind the history of the city or the struggles fought by Labour MPs.
  14. Apologies AB, I didn’t want to offend. He/she, I genuinely don’t understand.
  15. Why come here? Why doesn’t he stand in Islington or some other gentrified constituency? Does he think we are a soft touch?
  16. Sheffield doesn’t need anymore self publicist, freeloaders running the show!
  17. I do like his funny hats, but I’m not bothered about that drag Queen act.
  18. And another thing, knock down the Showroom on Paternoster row it’s dilapidated and a dirty disgrace. Fancy leaving that toilet on show when it’s the first thing you see when you get off the train!
  19. I tend to agree with Radio Sheffield’s Rob Staton comments tonight that this present year’s Championship standard is poor.
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