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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. Rubbish! Where was the character?
  2. Play 5 at the back with Iorfa Lees and Borner in the middle. Start defending properly before thinking about the midfield.
  3. Disgraceful, appalling and embarrassing!
  4. Deserved a point. Another example of fVARce! Sack VAR!
  5. I certainly wouldn’t encourage the homeless to drink and smoke, as I am sure this would disrupt the working and middle class recreational consumption of cocaine.
  6. Ha ha! Stop it ! Absolutely ridiculous! Building flyovers , or making people cycle to work.
  7. Why do they bother ringing in when they obviously possess speech problems.
  8. More points dropped unnecessarily.
  9. If that’s not corporate manslaughter then I don’t know what is!
  10. What a fantastic game! Hard lines Blades, you was on top for 73 mins.
  11. What about Hinchcliffe? He was a “character “.
  12. The result and performance is unacceptable.
  13. All the team get a 8/10. Palmer and Fox had steady games, well done.
  14. It was a pretty dismal match for both sides as well, with players dropping like flies. The pass decision making was appalling. It was torture.
  15. Thought Wednesday played well Friday night, but failed to finish the game off to their peril. Stoke have some good players, but saying that, Owls 2 Stoke 1
  16. Sunday Brunch is nowhere near as cool or as funny as it’s presenters think it is. Both look shattered as though they have been on the “lash” the previous night. How annoying is the the floor manager who instigates the canned forced laughter at anything. Shame really as some of the guests and the music are interesting.
  17. Eddie Izzard, and his raspberry beret! Patronising prat!
  18. Yep, agree with you on the above cacophony of hell.
  19. This really is scraping the barrel stuff, that should be confined to the trash can. Its an outrage to public decency!
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