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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. If you think you think that the steps are unsafe, you have obviously carried out an assessment. Therefore do not use them.
  2. Great post. The cretins who insulted the Chansiri family are trash.
  3. Andy Giddens, if you are going to ask for listeners to call in. Please allow them time to air their veiws. After constant prattling on with nonsensical pauses and imposing opinions it was 19 minutes before the first caller was allowed to get on today.
  4. Whatever punishment these cretins receive, it won't bring those poor souls back.
  5. Well done Billy Sharpe, you have earned your success.
  6. An imaginative contemporary addition to the surroundings, well done to all involved!
  7. Let some of the clientele go round and ask him why he thinks it's acceptable to be disrespectful.
  8. You wouldn't recognise it now, not nice.
  9. Distribution shocking, panicky and hurried. Lack of composure on the ball. Fletcher and Luckas failed to link up. Defence looked shakey.
  10. What is the point of the bus stop monitors. Your bus will be ..10 mins, then 5 mins, 2mins, then 8 mins then your bus ETA disappears!
  11. George Galloway uses the same method for ..............dramatic ..effect.
  12. Can't believe that the Lowedges murderer only received 2 or 3 years incarceration.
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