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prince al

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Everything posted by prince al

  1. That's at least 20 or 30 years behind. Thank the university's for keeping Sheffield's head above water.
  2. While passing through the Wicker on the bus, the newsagent on the corner of Stanley street always seems to attract unsavoury characters just hanging around, usually parking irresponsibly.
  3. Wasn't a lad shot and killed outside the barbers on the coner a couple of years ago, drugs?
  4. Fed up with boom boom music, chainsaws, swearing, shouting chavs smoking weed.
  5. Yes! I totally agree, along with trainspotting and amateur dramatics. They are an abomination to mankind and should be outlawed immediately.
  6. So Toby, from all at Sheffield Forum. Welcome back and best wishes for the upcoming shows!
  7. Lots of chips on a lot of shoulders methinks.
  8. It's definitely the white cars fault as he has crossed lanes without indicating or allowing enough time for himself or others to react. If the white car wanted to proceed straight on, he should have monovered to the central lane earlier on the approach to the roundabout. To correct the error, the white car should have continued to the next roundabout and come back round.
  9. I thought that was on a lane near Parkway markets.
  10. Get real! Sheffield is a dump, neglected and exploited. The true assets of Sheffield are the people.
  11. No particular order. David Hirst Chris Waddle Tony Currie Mick Lyons Paolo di Canio
  12. What will the majority of the people on here do if Toby is not around to criticise?
  13. Hopefully knocked down with the hideous garages and the area and fly tipping cleaned up.
  14. Yes it's very unassuming and gracefully constructed. I wonder what message the artist was trying to get across.I dont think it lends itself to the Arts and craft movement.
  15. Why is it socially acceptable that nations (not all in conflict) feel the need to export their poverty on to us? I also don't accept the argument that we need to increase the population to deal with our labour needs. Let more people in then you require more to service the system. Its akin to rat trying to catch its tail.
  16. Fantastic marketing ploy by Guinness in hijacking St Patrick's day.
  17. Thanks Toby for a cracking show this morning, I went to work with a smile on my face today.
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