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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I'm amazed that Cyclone hasn't posted on this yet that aside I think it should be made law that cyclists should be made to wear a helmet motorbike drivers are by law have to wear one. When posted in Northern Ireland I witnessed a bad cyclist accident were the victim landed on her head she didn't make it when the inquest was heared it became clear an helmet could have saved her life.
  2. Recently in my area a lady sold her bungalow though private treaty she did the legal side herself along with other property details. The bungalow went reasonable fast and the legal process was done by herself all parties involved were happy with the result.
  3. Market pub , New Square ,Chesterfield is quite popular with dinners Iv heard good reports. The pub itself is basic but OK and has real ales and rare drinks on offer.
  4. Tesco biggest mistake was expending too fast buying or leasing pubs from Enterprise Inns or building stores that will never see an Tesco customer though its doors. They made mistakes by having too many foodlines that people seldom brought than they realised their was quite enough money to pay for their empire they had built. 24 hour opening went ,staff cut down, grand plans put on hold ( Sportsmen pub , Stannington was going to be a Tesco but now instead its derelict is an example) then Aldi turned up to spoil their plans they failed to understand the impact this German discounter would have on their trade. The falling pound will hit them all I expect food prices to rise the competition will get too much for one of the big boys the pack of cards will fall and their empire will be no more.
  5. On tonights news their was a bit about Tesco running out of stock due to an fall out with a supplier on price. The prices which suppliers sell to the supermarket has risen due to falling pound this has put more pressure on the supermarkets who want to keep their prices low to keep their customers happy. The food market is worth millions a years is their enough trade to go round the big five supermarkets are already feeling the effects of Aldi and Lidi who have the lions share of budget market ?
  6. The problem with tablets Iv got is not many suit me the side effects outweigh the benefits I could write a book on what Iv been given over the years. I think the problem is some tablets are far too strong I also think some GPs think giving people tablets makes the problems go away without tacking the root problem I also think the times we live in their will be more people suffering with their mental health they we might realise their still seems to be a sigma to it and an sign of weakness its this a British thing?
  7. The Cold War officially ended when the Soviet Union fell apart but unofficially it never really ended. Putin was a child of the Soviet era he grew up at a time when Russia was strong and the Cold War could have gone hot at any time . Putin wants to rebuild the U.S.S.R that's his dream look what he is doing looking for an chance to gain more territories its about been the ' strongman ' of Eastern Europe . ---------- Post added 12-10-2016 at 17:34 ---------- Yes I agree Putin is shrewd and will give who ever wins the American Presidential race a run for their money in foreign relations .
  8. A young lad has been hit on the head by someone dressed as an clown at Rotherham it could have killed him .Im all for an joke and laugh but this clown mania has gone well to far now their have been reports of someone driving round dressed as an clown complete with baseball bat . perhaps we need to lighten up eh?
  9. White Lion on Chesterfield Road at Heeley is fantastic still has its original layout and the various items dotted about from different eras. The Fat Cat at Kelhem Island has a nice bar, the Shakespeare is quite nice interior wise. I'm not too keen on ultra modern pubs interiors seem to be very similar to each other.
  10. Thanks for the link, Iv should have said the death was at Rotherham between 2004 to 2010 .
  11. I hope you are joking taxman don't tell me this poor pub is destined to become an hipster watering hole ?
  12. The photo Iv seen of this pub shows a free standing sign showing a man with a pint pot. But because the photo was taken either at dusk or a bad day its had to make out their is very few pubs with the name Dension in Britain. Perhaps a past landlord was a big fan?
  13. Denison Arms was situated at 33 Watery Street closed c2000 then later demolished around 2002. The building was similar to the ' Raven' with two bow windows either side of the entrance the pub was an Stones house. The name ' Denison' was unusual was it named after someone famous or perhaps even a race horse? I never went in this one so known nothing about it .
  14. Sounds like it was an interesting pub Iv been told that during it's ' Hornblower' days the inside was decked out as a sailing ship a sort of nautical theme bar ?
  15. I think it closed in 2011 then left for sometime its now a shop.
  16. I don't know if anyone can help on this one. I'm trying to find a persons death the problem is the exact year I know it happened between 2004 and 2010 is their any website's that could help with this one ? I know the area were it happened and possibly the address any ideas? Thanks.
  17. I have the unfortunate pleasure of been with Talk Talk had an interesting letter from them the other day. My present contract price is going up but if I was to sign another 18 month contract I can get a lower price I'm guessing that if I was mad enough to bite I would get another letter in time saying that price is going up but by the way if you sign this contact for 18 months I would get a lower price. When my contact ends that's more chance of me jumping off Humber Bridge then singing on for 18 months of Talk Talk hell.
  18. We could always have an forum meet up down at the Big Gun
  19. Then begans a slippery slope of rough justice that would undermine the law system altogether trial by vigilante. What we need is much tougher laws and sentences like you say the courts and Police can only go so far theirs too much mental health card been played which undermines people with real issues plus the how hard the persons life been that made them do that crime. One car burnt out is bad enough but eleven is unbelievable they should be made to say why they did this to the victims who might have needed that car for work or family life. I don't honesty know were this country is heading .
  20. In later years the ' Raven' became ' O' Hagan's so I'm guessing it fell victim to Irish theme mania that happened in the 1990s . Another interesting thing about this pub it had a bakery so it was possible to buy a pint and a loaf of bread .
  21. Or he could have sold it on, are you following me about Mr melthebell
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