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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Theirs no way he can stay were he is winter is on its way he will not survive outdoors for long. If you are near Chesterfield take him to the Town Hall on Rose Hill and ask to see the housing department or someone from the rough sleepers to see what can be done . If Sheffield is nearer take him to the Salvation Army shelter I don't know the exact address but is not far from the Moor. You are doing right by giving him warm drinks but also things like soup would be beneficial as the nights get colder. Has he tryed to talking to his family or known an relative or friend who could help out as a stop gap?
  2. Are you in the Chesterfield area? If so Chesterfield council have a rough sleepers help service that's worth a try. Their is a homeless hostel down Brampton too .Its not wise to give him money as it will get spent on the wrong things he also needs to be prepared to help himself.
  3. A mate of mine shown me an old photo of a pub called the ' Raven' he thinks it was off West Street but wouldn't a gamble a pint on that. The building itself has a central door each side of that has bow Windows ,two storeys not really a big building shops of either side.
  4. William Fasteners used to have a factory down Kelhem Island still their though derelict . Sad to hear its gone .
  5. Its Primark's number one selling tracksuit bottoms so I'm guessing this clown on a tight budget?
  6. O' good I thought we might have too have an forum whip round .
  7. Interesting article if the founder moved away who owns the forum someone must be paying the upkeep as nothing is free is this world?
  8. I live in Chesterfield over the last year and half their have been problems that previously we didn't have on the present scale .Around the Market Place and West Bars their are gangs of people who steal alcohol and items and badges off cars to fund their drug habit. It has been reported a lot in the local press we had open drug dealing in the Market Place , fights around the bus stops. People so high that they walked in front of moving buses and general disorder that has made one part of the town a virtual no go area. If you visit the town be careful when putting rubbish into the bins as the street cleaners regularly find used needles in them Queen's Park another hotspot for finding used needles. I'm guessing the idiots who took your badge think its worth selling an sad state of affairs.
  9. If you joined in 2004 when did this forum come online then ?
  10. Well my brother managed to take down the greenhouse he removed the roof first. The greenhouse was just about ready to fall down so as soon has it got disturbed it drop to bits.
  11. I actually think it would do our friends in power a world of good to come up north instead of hiding away down London. The old Town Hall could be repaired and used Sheffield gets a landmark restored and they housed in appropriate surroundings. Never happen though.
  12. The ' Rebels' rock club had wall paintings too and their is photos of them it was a popular thing to do in the 1970s.
  13. The Meadowhead ones are next to the petrol station a flat roofed building opposite is the ' Norton' pub basically next to the big roundabout. Never went in Town Hall ones because of the steps would have really struggled to get down. I think the problem with public toilets besides cost is vandalism and other problems that go with them. As things are now someone would have to be employed to keep watch on them.
  14. I think it was electrical warehouse it was closed before the pub . Iv seen inside photos its asbestos ridden.
  15. These are just rough guess's : Moorfoot toilets late 2011 I used to pass them when going to Dempsey's in the day used to see the chap in charge of them outside only went in once they were flooded and in a right mess. Meadowhead closed 2012 a mate gave a lift home once we needed petrol and I needed the boys room. Very old fashioned the ceiling was falling in hence the only reason I remember them. The last I saw off them someone had stripped the flet of the roof. I think their was some under the Town Hall.
  16. I know what you mean I so wished now that I took my camera out more in the past but like you the thought never came into my head. Might be worth trying ' Flickr it's surprising what their is on their.
  17. Yes it puts money into the local economy but you can have too many of the same thing . This has happened on Whit Moor one opens up one closes became their is not enough customers to go round .
  18. Its the same everywhere today visit Whittington Moor its only an small area but its chip shop heaven. Perhaps the council thinks we need fattening up a bit?
  19. As anyone had the pleasure of taking down an real glass greenhouse, my brother is taking down one that is in a bad way. The frame is nut and bolt construction so that part is not too bad its the glass panels . The glass fits into the frame and is held in place by clips that go inside and out the roof is the same as the sides. The greenhouse is an old ' Eden' one.
  20. I know this section meant for Sheffield housing but no idea were else to put it. Does anyone have any experience in dealing and buying property in New Zealand either residential or commercial . What sort of taxes or stramp is required? Prices of property in Wellington or surrounding areas? Does the immigration process required you to have an property as part of the application? Any UK agents that deal with New Zealand's housing market? I know this is complex issue and a shot in the dark but any pointers on were to start will be most helpful. Thanks.
  21. Nice photo , I really wish I had the money to restore it Iv seen a photo of the pub just two years before it closed looked nice. Notice that the sash widows have been removed .
  22. I live in Chesterfield I agree their has been an increase of rough sleepers , some hang around the derelict Court building on West Bars not far from the Market Place . A while back two tents appeared in front of the building also down Brampton in a park. Many Sheffield homeless will be roughing it in the derelict buildings around the city. Iv spoken to a few homeless people one of their main problems is keeping clean when public toilets were open many of them used them to wash themselves but non I knew sleep in them a bit too risky. What few public toilets their is requires payment they don't have the money to get in.
  23. Sheffield until few years ago had quite a few public toilets but some were in a right state anyone remember the smelly ones at the bottom of the Moor or Meadowhead one the roof was falling in it would have cost a fortune to sort out cuts or no cuts wasn't worth the expense.
  24. Its so easy to wind up the right wingers on here. Let's see how May captains her ship though the Brexit storm batten down the hatch's theirs no going back now.
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