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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Virtual - signalling never mate I'm just thurder boots biggest fan.
  2. Well my right wing friend I do give to food banks , help out injured servicemen and many things in between . Tories only donate if their is something in return . ---------- Post added 05-10-2016 at 16:52 ---------- They won because people wanted out of the EU Cameron offered an chance to get out they took it and thanks Dave but theirs the door.
  3. Never mind Cyclone just keep making your cycling videos on YouTube I'm just subscribed.
  4. Is Theresa May turning into Mother Theresa ? I love the fact the right try and make out they are caring justice people her Birmingham speech had me in fits of laughter .Since when has the Tory's given a tosh about the poor the disabled and anyone else who didn't fit into the ' bigger picture' and the great Tory dream ? Now wait for the right wingers to come out of the woodwork and defend ' thurder boots'.
  5. Yes it is the old gable sign its on my demolition photos . Let me have think on this one.
  6. Perhaps no one is that desperate for that rubbish paper .
  7. Really? Anecdotes help build up the background to the issue , evidence theirs plenty to be had weather from personal experience or official sources, facetious , a man has died in tragic way plus there has been others I would hardly call that ' facetious , So now on this forum we must treat each thread as a trail?
  8. My experience of such sites tell me more often that not its just about one night stands and fake profiles . On such sites anyone can be anything but if you see them you get what you see.
  9. Ture most signs now are made by computer graphics while OK never as good as an hand painted sign. A company in Sheffield used to make them for Stones and Wards breweries.
  10. At present you can appeal an ESA and PIP decision by going to an tribunal in person which more often that not helps to get the DWP makers decision overturned their and then. At an tribunal panel at present their should be an judge and doctor or an disability adviser. Under the new plans appeals will be done as paper appeals which have a lower success rate than going in person another idea is to do appeals over the phone or online their will be no panel just one person looking at the case . When an person goes in person to an tribunal its possible for the panel to see the person and ask direct questions which helps both parties to understand the issues involved . The President of the tribunal service has already warned that this idea will not work and could see appeals lasting weeks or even months making it very stressful for the person appealing. This has cone about as many ESA and PIP decisions have a high success rate of been overturned by an in person tribunal which does not sit well with an government who have shown to be very anti disabled. The plans are been debated until the 27th October and more than likely be rubber stamped as official policy. I'm quite concerned by these new plans it denies the person the right to an fair hearing puts more strain on an already ill person going to an tribunal in person is very stressful already let alone one lasting weeks. Government should be looking at why the system fails instead of finding ways to send someone over the edge . Their short slightness on having a system that works is the reason why it costs so much on tribunals if the system was fair their would be no need for tribunals and could save money. Their is a wider issue to this proposal I believe this system could be expended to Jobseeker Allowance appeals when a person accused of failing to fulfill their JSA contract has their money stopped often months at a time . Which could lead to someone been made homeless and no money to buy food or other basics. The JSA regime is butal as it is. I believe this country is slowly but surly becoming an dictatorship that will see yet more people pushed into poverty unnecessarily and the basic human rights granted under UN conventions and British Common law removed we have entered a very dark era indeed.
  11. Sounds like it was the one that used to be on the end gable still worth hanging onto. I wounded what became of the free standing sign?
  12. This sign was on eBay a while back it is free standing had lights fittings at the top made of metal with light scroll work, at the base it had a ball of concrete. So its quite heavy to move I did consider it myself but practicality issues ended that idea. It might be possible to unbolt the sign itself from the frame then scrap the stand part. I believe the money raised from the sale went to some local charity.
  13. Don't throw it away whatever you do !Back street pubs are going fast and like the Elm Tree will not be coming back . Either sale it or give to an Sheffield museum the Elm Tree is part of Manor Tops history.
  14. Moving Primark down the Moor makes a lot of business sence, the old store is not the most disabled friendly building Iv come across been spilt level inside makes it hard going. I vaguely remember the the building been C&A . ---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 09:02 ---------- Most of the Moor was destroyed in the December 1940 raid and the surrounding area was hit too just recently three WW2 bombs were found on Matilda Street which is not far away. Most of the Moors buildings date from 1950s and 60s.
  15. I get that point but do we need bars to open as long as 6am ? ---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 08:50 ---------- Figures can be made made up plus not all crimes are reported . ---------- Post added 04-10-2016 at 08:52 ---------- Your world must be perfect mate.
  16. Don't talk daft mate, what I'm saying is what was wrong with 11am to 11pm you can only drink so much if you can't get your fill in them hours you must have a right problem .
  17. Pubs in the past didn't open until wee hours . In the Victorian age they opened when they wanted too but closed by midnight this change in the Great War by Lloyd George as he realised that drunk workers in bomb factories didn't mix. The old hours were 11am to 3pm then opened again at 6pm closed at 10pm though different areas might have granted an extra half hour . The hours were change again not sure what year to 11am to 11pm and it stayed that way for some years before these free for all hours we now have. Yes their always been the drunk who is keen with his fists but usually the regulars sorted it out and all was forgot landlords in the past basically were given free reign to sort out trouble makers out in fact some Chesterfield landlords were ex boxers . The hours are far too long we don't have the Police now nor any old school no messing landlords in any pubs or clubs. ---------- Post added 03-10-2016 at 22:22 ---------- OK then come to Chesterfield at the weekend stay too the late hours these bars are open too see for yourself the problems its causing . Their is no generalization here only fact but sadly has seen a death of a young man his family have a point.
  18. That much has happened down their its hard to keep track plus people add on to the story. Iv never understood the logic of having all them bars down their it was originally shops and the Aston Hotel . Wasn't as if their a shortage of watering holes in town.
  19. I remember that happening when that poor guy fell to his death he worked in one of bars down their wasn't that old late 1990s time. Many who go out pre- load then take drugs and get totally wrecked to the point they have no idea what they are doing. Iv asked a few people in their early 20s what it is like to go out in town late on , one lass got nearly strangled by another women who she never spoke too or knew , one bar in Chesterfield has regularly assaults over the most mundane things. One lad told me never to go alone unless you want to be targeted says it all really .
  20. In my town we have bars and clubs that are open until 6am no doubt their is such bars in Sheffield and every other city and town in the country. Recently in my home town of Chesterfield we have had a murder of a former soldier (26 and he had a son ) who was attacked allergy by three men he later died of his head injuries. The area were the attack took place has quite a few bars close together the street itself is narrow and towards the bottom face onto the by- pass only a wall stands between the street and by- pass its a long way down. Many of bars have late night licenses ranging from 4am to 6am closing their has been assaults and general disorder Iv been told many interesting tales of what happens at weekends. The victims mother and grandmother have set up as champaign to change the licencing hours so that bars and clubs close early to make it easier to Police the area. When I used to go out in town pubs used to open at 11am and close at 11pm , nightclubs 2pm surly that was enough by 3am the town was empty I don't understand the logic of opening until the small hours its crazy as this I could get on the last bus to town and return on the first bus back home ! Do we really need to have such late closing hours given the problems it has created?
  21. My Gran is in Chesterfield were its a different story much of what was built was meant for families most of which was built in the 1950s/60s very little has been built since then no one back then would have dreamed of a policy like the ' Bedroom Room tax'. My gran had to move a few times already after losing my grandad she moved into sheltered accommodation she lived their for a few years then the council decided they were going to flatten the place to replace it with part council part private sheltered accommodation so she moved to another sheltered accommodation complex . My gran could go back but its a lot more money rent wise plus she would not get the help to cover the extra though Housing Benefit. When my gran moved into her new place they had a warden plus social events the latter were first to go then the council started pushing the idea of getting residents to move to the new private/council accommodation which does not have an warden or washing facilities unlike were she lives now or social events Going back to were my gran lives now the warden retired and not replaced. Some of the residents have moved out leaving the upstairs mostly empty. So the council started putting in ' problem cases' into her block which it was never designed for my gran has brought it up with the council but it would seem the council answer to that is she would have to move ! All these problems only started after the Bedroom Tax came out and its not going to get better anytime soon.
  22. In Chesterfield their is very little support as most things have been cut. For example we had an LGBT service which had different groups for all age groups plus health advice we had this for years but axe fell and that was that the result been not good to say the least. We might still have the odd 50 plus group knocking about but generally not aimed at just people on their own . Nothing for disabled people. Very much left too it.
  23. 1, Websites seldom come up with Mr Right just full of time wasters and men looking for a quick one or gold digging their least victim. 2, You found out sooner than later he was rat best flushed down the toilet nodoubt he has forgotten you by now and moved onto his next victim. Forget him and move on he's so not worth it. 3, Get your best gear out its time to hit the town and meet real men. 4, Men are men expect a few interesting encounters. I should know on that one . 5, Enjoy yourself been single is fun plenty of men in the sea. Good luck
  24. I have a grandmother who lives in sheltered accommodation and has done for some years she will be soon be 88 and is blind . The council in my area used to have the policy that only over 55s could live their and had warden who worked their full time. Since the so - called ' Bedroom Tax' came in this policy has gone out of the window the warden retired and was not replaced now anyone can live in sheltered accommodation. Now people only want an one bedroom flat their is very few in my area leaving the only place to put them is sheltered accommodation the result been a disaster. In my grans block they have an abusive alcoholic who regularly smash up his flat ,domestic abuse victims who partners try to gain access. The residents live in fear my gran keeps her door locked all the time . She could move yes but would have to pay out more in rent as the only truly place for over 55s is private sheltered accommodation she does not have the money to move nor fit enough to move . The extra bedroom policy is a sick joke.
  25. I woke up the next morning still trying to make sence of what has happened in the 24 hours before but I knew more than ever I needed to find my daughter Linda . Where was she ,who's looking after her? I got up had a quick wash and passing on breakfast I decided to head back too Manor Top to the house where Lisa had lived surly the women their knew more than she let on ? Headed down stairs noticed a local paper on a table with the headline : Local Women Killed On Busy Sheffield Road' I noticed the date 20th May 1994 Iv lost track of days and time I opened the door onto the street the sky was overcast but not too cold. I made my way to Manor Top passing by the almost familiar streets. I arrived at the house not really knowing what to say but Iv got have some answers. I knocked on the door it opened the women looked at me surprised. ' Your back luv you know about Lisa then ' ? I replied ' yes I seen it happen I need too ask you a few questions ' she looked ' OK then come in my name is Dot' We went into a room it was almost bare just a TV in the corner a couple of battered chairs ' sit down what's your name then ' ? I'm William Smith I said Dot then sat down ' Lisa had it rough you know that lad up Park Hill was bad news I think he was a bus driver he threw her out I think their was a boyfriend before him an Navy guy I think' I looked at Dot ' that was me we had a daughter together' Dot' s face dropped 'O' she said. ' how long did Lisa live here then ' ? Dot replied ' six months she came and went she worked down Kelhem Island' Dot stopped and then looked out of the window . ' I know about that ' Dot turned round ' bad mistake I know things are not easy employment wise but anything is better than that' Dot started to look uneasy. ' do you know were my daughter is Dot?' Dot looked ' the only person who might have an answer to that is Dan , Lisa's ex but he's quick with his fists careful luv' I got up out of the chair I thanked Dot for her time it was clear she didn't know anymore . I left the house knowing a bit more . I went though the arch into the Park Hill flats noticed an burnt out car rubbish blowing about I was heading towards Hague Row it was clear Lisa' s life was not good here . I found the flat knocked on the door I could hear loud music playing then the door opened fast ' what do you want pal I see its you again what now?' he looked at me with anger in his eyes ' I need to ask you something mate about Lisa's daughter' he thought for a minute ' better come in pal' the flat was small and things thrown on the floor music blaring out he switch off the radio. ' ask me then' I could see he was a man with a temper ' did you know where my daughter is now ?' he looked at me ' yes she had a daughter but the girl is mine her name is Linda but the social took her off me saying I was not a fit parent plus Lisa was on the game down on Kelhelm Island when I found out I threw her out she went to live with her ' madam' at Manor Top' I couldn't believe what I was hearing ' are you sure it was your daughter ' he looked even more angery ' yes I'm sure pal I should know !' he then sat down looking at me ' why the questions ' I replied I was Lisa's ex and been told she had a child that was mine.' Yes she did have a another girl but it was stillborn before she met me are you that ex who was in the Navy ?' I replied yes .He looked ' If Lisa hadn't got involved with that Dot we would still be a family, I want you to go now' I left the room the music resumed I closed the door behide me and left. I got back to the hotel where I was staying went upstairs dropped on the bed it was getting dark I started to pack my bags it was time to leave Sheffield I had my answers I handed in my key at the bar the landlady just looked . The railway station was busy my train was in I got onboard it pulled out I watched as Sheffield melted away in the distance.
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