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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. The door opened a lady stood their looked early 60s cigarette hanging low in her mouth with a blue bath robe on. ' yeah' in gravely voice ' I'm looking for Lisa Hill I need to talk to her ' the women looked ' what has she done now ' ? I replied ' nothing just need to talk to her that's all' the women looked unmoved a sort of unbelieving stare. I ask ' are you her mother' the women laughed ' no luv she let's the spare room off me ' I asked ' were can I find her ' the women smiled ' more than likely in the Cannon on Castle Street she lives in their' I thanked the women heard the door close behide me. I crossed the road to the bus stop it started to rain which reflected my mood would Lisa been their today would she give me the answers? an bus pulled in and made its way though the council estates seeing people washing down their cars children playing in the streets without a care in the world. The bus pulled in outside of Castle Market I got off could hear traders shouting their offers of the day I soon spotted the ' Cannon' so made my way their .The bar was thick with smoke I could feel eyes watching as I looked round I could see items on tables money changing hands , then I noticed a young women thin build with black hair tired up sat near the back with a older man they were deep in conversation . She looked up and saw me she quickly put down her glass down said something to man and got up in fast nearly knocking over the table. Lisa went past me before I got a chance to speak to her I followed her outside I shouted to her to stop she started to run so I ran after her catching her up ' we need to talk' Lisa answered ' Iv got nothing to say to you go away' typical of her I thought ' I want the truth Lisa was it my child ' ? She looked down on the floor time seemed to stop Lisa looked up ' yes its a girl named her Linda ' I looked at her ' were is she now ?' Lisa started to cry putting her hands on her face wiping away the tears ' she' s in care ' I looked at Lisa with shock in my eyes ' care , why?' Lisa went quite ' I want the turth' I said ' money got short I went on the game I had to do something you were gone but the social find out they took Linda off me' amazed I was in shock how could she do this ? Lisa started to walk away from me I followed her she started to run again I could her crying then she ran onto the road in front of an car ' bang' followed by a scream I saw her body roll onto the boot of the car, the car stopped the driver got out the man was in deep shock crowds of people stood watching I got down onto the road but Lisa was dead I shouted at someone to get help heard a few siren's making their way but I knew it was too late. I sat in the Police Station in shock an officer gave me a cup of tea I sat thinking my thoughts were jumbled up . An officer shouted at me to go into the interview room he ask what my relationship was to Lisa , why was I in Sheffield and what happen all the time my head was spinning with my own questions . ' I think that will do for now you can leave ' I got up and made my way out of the station . I went back to my hotel it seemed to take forever to get their got to my room unlocked the door and sat down on the bed . what do I do now ? Final chapter : The search .
  2. I woke up to the sound of cars outside the sun was out I got dressed the bathroom was down the hallway after doing this I went down stairs into a room tables were laid out for breakfast noticed a businessman sat in the corner reading a paper he noticed me ' morning lad' I replied ' morning'. The landlady came though ' morning luv full English is it' I said yes she brought out my breakfast well I think it was a bit brunt. After leaving the pub I thought I would try Park Hill first so made my way though the streets the sky was clear the sun was getting warm my thoughts were do I start ? I finally arrived at Park Hill could hear pounding music away nothing changes here . Found Hague Row number 2 I was looking for went passed the uniform doors then number two was in front of me I knocked on the door I could hear movement of footsteps getting near the door opened ' what do you want mate ' an man in his early 30s stood their half dressed not in a good mood ' I'm looking for Lisa ' he looked at me ' Lisa who'? ' Lisa Hill' why? Came back the answer ' I need to ask her something' he looked even more ' she my ex pal she at Manor Top 13 City Road' . He then slammed the door shut I walked away thinking was it my child? I went down to the bus station found the bus to go up to Manor Top the ride was short passing council houses . Then I arrived at City Road the traffic was heavy I struggled to cross it the area was busy with shoppers I found a row of houses and number 13 I stood looking at it for a while then went up the path banged on the door I waited. Part two tomorrow.
  3. The train pulls into platform one at Sheffield Midland station the sky is bleak I get my rucksack from the rack above my seat. I'm on leave for three day's it been two years since Iv been to Sheffield I'm hopeing to find my daughter who Iv never met her mother secretly had given birth to her has at the time we had parted only a slip up by a friend of hers told me about her. Has I made my way out of the station my thoughts were of where to start to look for her the last I heard about my ex was she was living in a flat at Park Hill on Hague Row but she loved to do ' moonlights ' she was hopeless with money . I needed somewhere to stay I ask an old women she look but didn't answer the sky was getting dark and light was starting to fade. I tryed a couple of hotels both were full then I asked an man if he knew a decent B&B to stay at he replied ' try the Queens Hotel on Scotland Street the landlady let's out rooms their or even just for half a night ' the man laughed then walked away getting cold I thought better try their then . I found Scotland Street went past an Police Station up an hill the street was dimly lit came across an pub an couple came out of the door I ask ' is this the Queens Hotel' ? the man replied ' no lad further up you will not miss it' the couple staggered off. Then the street went down a bit noticed a pub lamp I noticed a young women standing alone outside she looked then said ' what's up luv never seen a working girl?' I thought better not to answer. I went into the pub I asked ' Is this the Queens Hotel' ? Saw a couple of old blokes with flat capes on also noticed their dog on the floor they looked up. Then an loud women's voice ' yeah what else would it be' the women looked early 50s wearing a mini skirt and boots and an tank top on ' I understand you let rooms out I need one for three days got one free'? She answered ' yeah luv tenner a night breakfast extra for two pounds want it then'? Better than nothing ' yeah I will take it' ' room five second floor little room basic luv. She handed me the key and I went upstairs the place was run down cheap wallpaper on the walls heavy colours. I got to the second floor opened the door the landlady was right it was basic complete with in-house spider web. I put down my rucksack opened my wallet a battered piece of paper with an address on perhaps a starting point . I lay down on the bed the rain was hitting hard on the window I fell asleep.
  4. Good nothing like a bit of head banging music at the end of the day.:headbang:
  5. Ture unfortunately this will be the third time its been boarded up no one wants it. Enterprise Inns own it now about three years ago it belong to Marston's before that it was a John Smith's house . The last time the pub had a make over was in the late 1990s before that it got closed down for drugs. Enterprise wanted to do it up but wanted some else to pay for it no one in Chesterfield fell for that one so they have been opening and shutting it as a bottom value range pub. The last time I went in the place it smelled of damp the men's toilets were flooded to top it all the pint was rank just what you want on a Friday afternoon.
  6. On ' Skyscrapercity' has a thread called ' Queens Hotel Development' it shows how the development will look if done . The pub frontage is retained but with large glass windows the roof has a terrace area with a sort of glass corridor running along the top . Either side of the retained front will have new build apartments with balcony's that's number one plan ,but the developer has drawn up scaled down plans too this time smaller buildings retained front but no roof terrace. The building has had quite a few building applications on it with various ideas anything from reopening it has a pub to flats the building been recently sold again. So its anyone guess on what's been planned now , I believe the derelict church in the area is now up for sale too. ---------- Post added 01-10-2016 at 08:43 ---------- Thanks for the photos the area even from 2007 has seen big changers no doubt yet more will be going up
  7. Looks vastly different in past times it's hard to believe its the same street. I did note though most of the buildings on that street are fairy modern in design by the pub plus noticed quite a bit of wasteland. What Iv seen about the proposals for the area it will build it back up a lot they will keep the frontage of the pub by a few minor changes the building next to it is going. I hope the plans happen the Queen's is getting in a bad way now hate to see some idiot damage it or worse. ---------- Post added 30-09-2016 at 23:02 ---------- Is it possible to view your 2007 photos by any chance , Iv took a few last year ?
  8. Was their houses on Scotland Street itself. Iv been and had a look today their is warehouse, chapel like building, an ugly building next to the Queens further down a showroom. It would seem odd to build a hotel in an area lacking houses ?
  9. So that's it then another Sheffield boozer heading to the landfill ?
  10. The pub is small has a shop front on the outsdide built of stone and on a hill . Its better than some of the hipster theme parks in the city centre ,friendly locals try it out . ---------- Post added 30-09-2016 at 16:26 ---------- Need to be determined to get the ' Blake' long way up .
  11. In my area we have seen a rise in mental health issues in young people of both sex's some sadly take their own life. The issues are varied some are personal problems others related to drug problems and lack of help. In my area we have seen many support services cut or closed, in 2000 we had quite a few women support groups around. Plus the times we live theirs no security as such in my area has been hit hard by the economic downturn which leave many feeling theirs no hope.
  12. If you ring their customer service ( ) you will get we don't speak English unless you theirs money involved gang . Totally useless
  13. The old fashioned British pub is an dying breed pubs like the ' Big Gun' or the 'Hen and Chickens' struggle on in their own way throw backs in time. Marstons brewery are selling off most of its old stock pubs that they feel can not deliver on 21st century needs things like its not possible to add on an kitchen or just too uneconomical to revamp are been sold off. The brewery has built some pubs that focus on family dinning environment as that is what people now want food is key to their sales not the traditional wet led sales .
  14. I'm pleased it went well I'm going on the point you said ' Support Group ' this must be Employment and Support Allowance as PIP has Enhanced rate and Standard rate. ---------- Post added 29-09-2016 at 15:57 ---------- My issues are mobility but since the DLA was first done things have changed as I now get depression and anxiety which I have tablets for and been to a hospital that's deals with depression and mental well bean . Also over the years my care needs have grown plus need more help.
  15. I don't believe Sheffield is more expensive than London no way. Iv been to London and I know some people who live their they all say the same thing London eats money they would love to pay Sheffield prices !
  16. I'm unfortunately with TalkTalk , I seem to have issues with the router box playing YouTube videos is sometimes an painful experience the same applies to any video based sites its stop go stop go . Speed seem to be how my connection feels like. Fair to say the contract will not be getting renewed.
  17. Its a very complex issue because one diet might work for you might not work for someone else. But we need to tackle the issues around obesity it's overwhelming our NHS . I would like to see more offers on fruit and veg and less on buy this pizza get one free I shop at Aldi their do have weekly offers so why can't for example Tesco do a similar offers? ---------- Post added 28-09-2016 at 21:52 ---------- Fruit has sugar in it but its natural its the man made suger that's the real issue .
  18. A wealth of info here . Could be useful for my new book project
  19. Scotland Street seems a sort of wasteland area full of derelict buildings some you would look twice at others not but one building I do like is the old derelict boozer, The Queen's Hotel. The brickwork design givens the building a strong grand look which in its day would have looked impressive. However the building today sits unloved an battered sign proclaimes ' wards' on the roofline the doors and windows covered with wooden boards. Iv heard their are plans to make the pub into ' trendy' flats no chance of it reopening as its intended purpose. Did you go in the Queens , or the know reason why it closed?
  20. Oddly enough in the history section someone wanted to know where the bombs fell in WW2 we have three more locations to add. I bet their is more given the fact works like Heathcotes were in the area.
  21. Iv often said closing of Remploy was a disaster for disabled people. Its very rare you will find a mainstream employer willing to take you on if they do its often on the grounds it makes the company look good often such jobs are part time on hours no one else wants. Don't lie to them it will get you into trouble right its not worth it. The only way for a disabled person to get work is self employment but this is a big step remember you got to make a living after tax , is what you are offering in demand to bring in the money, sort out your national insurance and tax yourself if yes I can do that perhaps worth a try but think it though first. As for equality what people say and what they do is often planets apart. Another factor is with the economic down turn employers can pick and choose who they want now . Don't get into the self blame game its just the times we live unfortunately.
  22. Just recently I went to my GPs I happen to mention I felt very low in mood plus flashbacks to my past and generally losing interest in doing things. Then suddenly an questionnaire was pushed in front of me two pages asking about my state of my mind which I filled in . He looked though it he thought I am suffering from depression and anxiety then I was given tablets ( do these help or make things worse, side effects) told to go back in a couple of weeks. Iv had a bad do with depression in the past so had to go to hospital as it got very bad to the point that death would have been welcomed. How dose anxiety and depression affect you, is your condition come and go or permanent what are your impressions of medication and treatment you have had?
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