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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. But last a lot longer than tarmac it works out cheaper long term.
  2. Crooked Spire pub , Church Way, Chesterfield has closed and been boarded up this afternoon.
  3. Correct , their is a Sheffield Star article about their removal not impressed by this. Attercliffe got a few better keep quite on their whereabouts.
  4. The cobbles that were on Cornish Street have been dug up by the council for some reason. I know the area a bit, has a nice historic look with many fine buildings restored the area that has been hit is were George Barnsley works is. Their is some cobbles down Attercliffe which still can still be seen I hope they are not removed too. The cobbles setts are originals surely its best to retain them to keep in character of the area so why not repair them instead of removal?
  5. I remember years ago when on leave I visited the old BHS discount shop near Castle Market . Saw something I wanted went to pay for it their was a women and man in front of me. The women was rough as hell wearing high boots wouldn't have looked out of place in a red light area in a loud voice I'm going to sort that <removed> women how dare she push in front the man stayed quite. Then women said wait till she out of here give her some fist I nearly busted out laughing but thought better of it . The women stromed off weather she got her ' victim' I don't know the moral of the lesson was don't mess with Sheffield women ........
  6. Let's see how thurder boots copes in February 2017 the EU wants Britain out not half in and half out . ---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 16:24 ---------- I don't really care mate have a nice day
  7. No mate just an ex soldier who says what he thinks unlike certain posters. ---------- Post added 26-09-2016 at 15:41 ---------- OK why , will she deliver on the Britexit result or sell us down the line, can she pay the countries debt off and give hope to the population , is the ghost of Thatcher back in office ?
  8. Thunder boots better known has Thersa May has nearly been in office for nearly four months so fellow forumers what do think of her?
  9. Bread should not contain eggs to start with as for pastry I don't eat it anyway. Yes Aldi's wine alright and a lot cheaper than mainstream supermarkets.
  10. Its safer than the town centre at night but don't expect real ale in every pub though.
  11. Red Lion closed, Royal Oak real ale, Junction going to be a craft pub not open yet, Prince of Wales is now called Maison's, Brampton Mile bar closed, Anchor now a free house , Barrel still going opens only at night, Grouse still open ,Alma up for sale , Brampton Ale House open plans to demolish it in the pipeline, Peacock still open ,Star still open, Terminus Hotel demolished Britannia still open ,Victoria opens at night, Rose and Crown open I think that's them all.
  12. Overview: Detroit a city once dubbed ' the Motor City' was once the 4 largest city in the United States the population has now fallen to 70,0000. The city suffers from high unemployment due to the result of the collapse of car and other industrial employment which has resulted in a population decline leaving vast areas of blight that the city is at present trying to remove. Detroit has also has high crime rates the population also has high rates of welfare and retiree claims for city pensions. Bankruptcy of 2013. In June 2013 the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy under chapter nine of Federal law. The pension fund was found to be unfunded and taxes not collected plus the retiree pensions were putting a massive strain on the city's financing. An emergency plan was put together and passed by a federal Judge to stop the creditors from assets stripping to pay off the city's debts and come to an agreement with the creditors . In 2014 Detroit exists bankruptcy but still has huge debts to pay off. Their are concerns that pensions will cause problems in the future. By the population decrease Detroit and Britain have something in common a pension crisis . Britain's ageing population is growing year by year Detroit's population has fallen but both have financial issues with pensions. Britain and Detroit once had heavy industry that created wealth this has mostly gone . Detroit's bankruptcy had many factors but the city's pension schemes played a big part could our own pensions system end up bankrupting us or at least come to the point were the bill for it outstrippes the countries finances ?
  13. Also this man sent troops into Iraq based on lies and had too ' borrow' equipment from the Americans . Rubbish MP and even worse Prime Minster. ---------- Post added 25-09-2016 at 14:13 ---------- Tell that to the families who lost a loved one in Iraq.
  14. This is not the first case of this type of damage done to cars a while back a similar thing happened at Chapeltown. Just mindless vandalism.
  15. Tramway on London Road is history got the JCB treatment last year after years of dereliction.
  16. How did you find the form easy or hard to fill in? What sort of questions were ask at the face to face assessment did you have to travel to the next town for it ? Mobility questions what to expect? Care questions what to expect? Do you think DLA should have been retained or replaced by PIP? Thank You.
  17. Chesterfield had trams until 1922 then trolleybuses until c 1938 . A pub now owned by Brampton brewery on Chatsworth Road is called ' Tramways' not far from the old tram sheds.
  18. Yes Brampton is part of Chesterfield. ---------- Post added 24-09-2016 at 08:37 ---------- Not quite, the original Brampton Brewery was on Chatsworth Road at the top end The brewery was noted for it's milds and pales ales the brewery was one of three in Chesterfield the others been Chesterfield Brewery, Scarsdale and Brampton. Brampton Brewery was sold to Warwick Brewery in 1955 who closed the Brampton site much too the horror of local drinkers who hated Warwick ales in fact one landlord refused to have it in his pub. The original Brampton brewery buildings were cleared away in the early 1980s for a DIY store fast forward to the early 2000s a group of local lads decided that they fancied the idea of been master brewer's and one thought why not bring back Brampton ales back . The new brewery is now housed in the old tram sheds further up Chatsworth Road it has a shop and you can tour the brewery on its open days. They have produced a nice mild and a selection of pale ales and bitters which are better than the mass produced crap . ---------- Post added 24-09-2016 at 08:42 ---------- To Mr stpetre, Yes I do hope their's such a place its been around since the roman times. Out of interest are American bars and dinners closing down like our pubs are, I known the motels have been hit hard due to the economic downturn?
  19. That's what got my attention I know bits about Brampton brewery but was not aware they had any pubs in Sheffield which I thought was odd. Mr H ( thanks) photo link is the photo Iv seen quite an impressive building almost a ship's bow in design.
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