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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. I think that's very ture , I believe if Netto had not pulled out of the country when they did and opened the market for Aldi or Lidi its unlikely that the latter two would have taken off has they have done. Netto tryed to come back but their market was already taken by Aldi and Lidi too late in the day for a stab at their old market .Tesco have grown to the point its got too big they have cut down on their plans and food lines and oddly cut down on their ' Everyday Value ' range which was designed to get the budget shopper in store and an counter weight to shops like Netto. Which of the big boys will fall first I don't know but the market can only take so much. ---------- Post added 23-09-2016 at 21:54 ---------- Your welcome
  2. This is a cheerful thread for Friday afternoon.
  3. Iv brought items from well know supermarkets were much is made about how good their products are only to have taken them back for a refund. Yes theirs is a few items in both stores that I would not touch with a pole but thats everywhere. I used to shop in Netto years ago never had one problem nor I have had with Aldi or Lidi . ---------- Post added 23-09-2016 at 17:31 ---------- I don't do ' shopping experience' I'm food shopping not going to a food fashion show.
  4. I mostly shop in Aldi for most of my big shop as Aldi offer more in veg and fruit been Vegan it covers most of what I need . But Lidi bakery selection has many delights that I can't say no too. Out of the two discount supermarkets would you say offers the best deal?
  5. Seen a nice photo of the Granville Inn it was a striking building sat on it's corner very much like the Three Tuns pub doe's. The address was Granville Street and Norfolk Street?
  6. Iv always said that trolleybuses are better than trams no need to dig up roads only the over head wires need setting up . Get to places that trams would struggle to get too. Leeds were going to do a trolleybus cone back no idea if its got further. No doubt someone will come along and derail the idea
  7. I thought their was a movement to get this pub on the community asset list has that died a death?
  8. Perhaps the customers were not on ' Facebook' but the pub was. I have found a Facebook page regarding the Woodbourn pub . The last entry was October 2015 nothing up dated since curious as a website named 'Sheffield Pubs' lists the pub as closed on 3rd May 2015. Shame .
  9. It was Liverpool ,when Labour was in the houses were brought up for project 'Pathfinder' an project that sought to replace entire rows of housing with new housing. It never happened due to costs so leaving many streets looking like wastelands about three years ago Liverpool council decided to off load these houses for a pound but you must have lived in the city for at least five years and can prove you have the financial ability to do the repairs as many of the houses are just shells .
  10. Prices rise and fall all the time no one has taken account of rents, taxes, bus fares , property things like that . Remember VAT is now 20% a lot higher than it was in 1990. Can you still buy a house for a 1990 price in 2016?
  11. When I went past the pub it was closed can not find a Facebook page or up to date information on it. Perhaps someone is just living their sometimes after a pub closes they are rented out . ---------- Post added 22-09-2016 at 09:10 ---------- The Carlton is up for sale been reduced twice in price. Iv been told the Station is a take away no idea if ture and the Crooked Hat is gone along with Fara's .
  12. Attercliffe has been hit very hard pub wise its hard to imagen it was possible to go out for a night out down their so many places to go. If the Woodbourne has just closed its done well to last this long seemed very isolated down that road .
  13. Went down Worthing Road (?) saw a corner building a while back and noticed this run down boozer looked sorry for itself looked very isolated is this place still open or joined the rest of Attercliffe pub dead society?
  14. In the late 1990s I went sunny Ibiza the so called ' party island' plenty of clubs and plenty to pull. The club music of the island made its way into the UK and the US charts and scoring the odd hit now and again. Nice place that had the hippy lifestyle that creates a liberal environment to the point I saw a young lady drive past in the nude. Is the party over now and Ibiza just another Spanish resort?
  15. Shouldn't have closed the tram system down in 1960 would have saved them a packet everything all set up now going to cost million's to set back up again!
  16. With prices going up all the time the value of the pound as fallen. So what does one pound buy you in 2016 say against 1990?
  17. A while back I put on here a thread about the death of the British pub and the possibility of the last pub closing in the country out came the mockers but it looks like it fast becoming ture.
  18. A friend of mine doing a drama based on Sheffield's run down or derelict places as a backdrop to the main storyline . Is Kelhelm Island still classed as the so called ' Red Light' area given the fact the area has seen big developments . Also wants to touch on Sheffield's industrial past ideally in a area that has little changed. Iv given areas that I think is suitable for filming just seeing if anyone can add to list. Thanks.
  19. York House is the old Abacus pub on St.Mary' s Gate . Expect to pay nearly five pounds as pint I went in the other week and saw the price list I can not afford it, the pub markets itself as a ' artisan' food outlet. Market pub is alright but not the most comfortable pubs to use also their is the Rutland on Stephenson Place . Burlington is OK but more family eating place than everything . The Crooked Spire pub could be a great pub but at present is very run down no real ale shame .
  20. One way round this but not really practical is to refit either the derelict Link or Parkway Tavern and reopen them. No idea when the blocks that house them will get done up.
  21. I wish ---------- Post added 17-09-2016 at 22:53 ---------- The poll is based on the things needed to be a leader , personality important for public relations, policy all parties must have basic ideas on issues to function when in office. Would the electorate see the persons personal life affecting their ability to rule. Just recently after the EU vote and the Tories faced a leadership crisis some judged Thersa May as not been fit be a Prme Minster because she didn't have children so could not understand family issues ( remember it politics so the mud going to be throw about) these sort of things can affect a persons chances to get in office. ---------- Post added 17-09-2016 at 22:58 ---------- You might think that but when ballot paper is in front of them its surprising. This thread not about left or right politics its about all parties.
  22. We have had women Prime Minsters a few northern men thrown into the mix. At present their are 35 openly gay MP's in all parties. Come an general election would you vote for an openly gay politician to be Prime Minister?
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