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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. What another rave that I wasn't invited too?
  2. Who remembers the 1990s TV show based on Bradford's ' ladies of the night' murder and many other delights on offer. The drama was gritty and would have not looked out of place in Sheffield's red light area.
  3. Just been looking at the map is the ' bunker' in fact part of the colliery that was once in Monk Woods and the only building facing an opening is Monk Woods farm. I could be wrong on this their was or is a stone built house that has been derelict for years it could be seen off the road but Iv not been in that area for years . Had another look are you sure its is in Monk Woods not Renshaw Woods ?
  4. Only idea, go to Chesterfield Library ask them if they have any old maps of the area in their collection. Some maps go back to the early 19th century its also possible they may have information on the house and cottages. I don't know the locations as Iv never been and like Iv said never seen a report on any Urbex sites.
  5. Don't go with Talk Talk unless you want poor service , slow Internet, can't understand a word call centre based in India I'm struck with the bugger's until early next year.
  6. The pub must have been quite old seen a better photo in one of my pub books today. Any idea what the inside was like?
  7. I mix in Urbex circles Iv never seen any photos or mentioning of this place. But some years ago I was told yes their was some cottages in the woods that still had personal belongs in them however they were going back to the 1960s its possible that the cottages are demolished as for a bunker don't know.
  8. Does anyone recall this pub that stood on Pye Bank Road , Pitsmoor I'm guessing its long gone . Seen a photo of it on ' Flickr' in a derelict state?
  9. Nice pub but far too expensive . Here's my list , Royal Oak ,Shambles, Portland Hotel ( yes I know its Wetherspoons buts its OK) , Chesterfield Arms like someone said a bit far out, White Swan . Brampton has a few real ale pubs, Rose and Crown, Tramway, Brampton Ale House, Junction not open yet but will be a craft ale house on Chatsworth Road. The ones I don't recommended are the Spa Lane Vaults, Sun Inn or the Crown and Cushion.
  10. Great if you got the money to pay these high prices but if like me skint theirs no choice !
  11. What year did Studio 7 close and came down for the new road any ideas anyone?
  12. Or Sheffield people got more sence you can get fish and chips just of the Moor for three pounds fifty.
  13. I think reality has hit Urban Splash ,cheaper to keep the brickwork and dress it up as retro.
  14. Here's a twist on the original question have all three parties run their course is it time for new replacement parties to take their place?
  15. For me it doesn't really matter who wrote this or that its the story behide it that counts its part of Park Hills flats history and glimpse into someone life . A bit like me I photo places many of which are now gone forever Park Hill is one place Iv photoed a lot has its changing because I think its worth recording in a way I'm documenting past lives. I never understood why Urban Splash put neon lights on the graffiti it should have been left as is I also think the multi coloured panels make the place look tacky it looked way better before as brickwork but hey ho some hipster will come along soon to tell I need to look at the ' bigger picture' .
  16. Iv got another name for it! I had a bottom teeth guard made its fits alright very strange feeling though. My dentist thinks its stress but it could also be a deep bite or sleep apena apparently more people have bruxism now than ever before is this a symptom of modern living ?
  17. And the same could be said about people crossing the road without looking but it still happens.
  18. ------------ Not sure but someone might read this and see, but this chap wore a big army coat and has we speak i can see him in my thoughts. The other part of the story if right despite living on the streets and after his passing the local press claimed he had quite a bit of money in a bank account that was never touched for years. I get the feeling we may be on about the same person that has had his story pumped up by urban myth.
  19. Bruxism is night time teeth grinding or clenching that damages the teeth either though wearing down of teeth or clipping. The other symptoms inculed pain in the jaw in the early morning with facial pain . Does this problem fall into the GP's department or a dentist I have already a night guard made by my denist but I see get quite a bit of pain and has any one had treatment for Bruxism?
  20. Does anyone know what the size of the staircase is that's under fire is it fight after fight or just a few steps?
  21. I thought Cyril was an ex RAF fighter who later worked at Firth Browns until his marriage fell apart allegedly dying in a doorway due to the cold or is this another Cyril?
  22. It makes more sence to have a lift, what if you were going up the stairs and a waiter was going down stairs with something hot bumped into each other you would not be a happy bunny.
  23. In the early 2000s I was travelling from Sheffield to Chesterfield on the old 747 bus. While on the motorway the sky went pitch black like today no thunder as such then a saw a part tornado in the sky as sods law would have it had no camera on me. Then fogot about it until the Derbyshire Times reported it in the following weeks edition . Is this future weather and part of global warming?
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