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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. At the end of the its only words on a screen none of which will change the world. Just keep it civil . PS theirs nothing wrong with dancing banana .
  2. Will people use these Hipster theme park bars with their not so cool prices?
  3. Waste of money better spent buying a nice cup of tea.
  4. What about Hen and Chickens followed by the Big Gun ? ......
  5. Politics comes first the people second always has always will and all the while the fat cats make vast profits . If its state owned its bad because the government say so and the idea of private ownership seems god sent to the countries ills. Train fares are far too high became Brandson and the rest of that crew want to top up thier already vast wealth so let's enjoy our overcrowded skips on rails after all private ownership is good for us.
  6. Seems to be the way of cinema's they end their days as naughty X rated cinemas or if they are lucky tacky bingo halls. ---------- Post added 10-09-2016 at 18:49 ---------- Very long shot did you take any photos?
  7. Does it really matter who wrote it at the end of the day its become part of Sheffield's urban legend perhaps Jason wrote it who knows for certain why do we think we have the right to everything sometimes its best to leave somethings as a mystery.
  8. I have a relative who has been claiming DLA since 1993 after a work accident my relative is now 65 and will be 66 next January and is on State Pension. Today has had a letter saying his DLA will end soon he needs to apply for Personal Independence Payment instead. What is the age that PIP gets payed too ? I know Attendance Allowance starts from 65 I would have thought he should be applying for AA not PIP because of his age theirs no point in applying if he too old can anyone shed some light on this please?
  9. If the railways were state owned it could be a nice little earner for the government the profits could be used to put towards the NHS. I hear a lot about the ' bad old days' but no one really knows how it would progress a lot has changed since 1997.
  10. Makes a change from been turned into a Tesco or demolition . Agree the Tap and Tankard is not bad shame they can't retain it in the new development.
  11. Tallbird Records, Chesterfield has quite a few vinyls not sure if the sell Dancehall or Ska . The shop is nearly next too the Welbeck pub.
  12. Depends on bar prices students seem to be targeted with offers. Perhaps the Star and Garter was not aimed at them for some reason .
  13. Around 1996/97 was the start of the end of our nationalized rail network as bit by bit was sold off to private companies ,we were promised that fares would be cheaper and a better service the grass was supposedly greener on the other side. Things to start with looked promising then the fare hikes arrived and haven risen to the point that rail fares are now amongst highest in Europe. I don't use the trains much when I have I can't say that IV been impressed much with them I call them ' skips on rails' cleaning is not one of their strong points but their are other delights to enjoy overcrowding is something not to be missed when people get close and personal has carriages start to look like sardines in a tin. The fares are something else clearly seats need to be provided at the ticket desk to sit down in shock as the customer is told the fare perhaps a stiff drink service is required. So let's debate should the trains be brought back into public ownership or do people like to keep paying high fares and enjoyed traveling in cramped style?
  14. So what happens now the building get boarded up again with little hope of reopening? ---------- Post added 08-09-2016 at 19:23 ---------- I know the Royal Oak very well it has changed hands a lot in recent times Enterprise Inns own it the local vandals love to smash the stain glass windows. Yes I do have an interest in local pubs its clear to me many are likely to close in the near future many of my photos are of long gone boozers I have been doing this for over fifteen years now . Its a shame they are going but economic and social change are part of why they are closing plus they are an important part of British culture . Over the years Iv managed to gain access to many long closed pubs armed with faithful Cannon camera to record them creating an important visual record . Good luck to your nephew , were I'm from my username should tell all.
  15. As long as the bar is run as it should be and women treated fairly I don't see a problem. I would prefer the building brought back to use than a derelict eyesore what looks worse an newly revamped bar or another falling down old boozer?
  16. Might have closed due to the retail redevelopment the hotel across the road is coming down soon.
  17. Our rail network is owned by private companies how does this work? I get a train ticket at a Midlands trains owned station. But I get on a Virgin train my ticket is accepted off we go. Who gets my fair Midland or Virgin how does it work?
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