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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Perhaps its a bit of an own back over the protests over the building? ---------- Post added 07-09-2016 at 10:03 ---------- Phlegm does do private commissiones I do like his work mostly to be found in derelict places around Sheffield.
  2. Chesterfield pubs the Somerset House at Calow and the Crispin at Ashgate are two interesting cases were big business had their way . People did protest about Tesco wanting to turn both pubs into mini supermarkets and to a point they were successful but Enterprise and Tesco did a back door deal so both pubs still got closed. Tesco then had their financial crisis so plans to turn both pubs into shops was put on hold now both buildings now stand derelict the only winner here was Enterprise who made money out of it. Let's hope CAMRA can do something .
  3. I don't want to be the voice of doom but from my experience it comes down to money . Does the University Arms make enough money to keep going in the long run even if the pub gets ACV it simply means the pub requires planning application for change of use also gives the community the right to buy it . But their are ways to get round this so if the pub closed can anyone afford to buy it from the university? Or go for the easy way close it and allow the building to fall derelict making it easier for a demolition application. By all means have a go write to the council or the university itself and support CAMRAs application for AVC but money talks.
  4. Enterprise Inns pubs are mostly ex Stones houses. Punch Taverns pubs are former Mansfield houses its not uncommon for the two pubcos to sale each others pubs to one or other. But both companies are in debt so they do like to have a clear out of pubs now and again.
  5. I'm going to watch closely on what happens to the University Arms application for ACV . My impression is the university are going to do a trade off here with the new planned pub so I image the first thing they will say is yes we closing this pub but we have replaced it with a new pub , second the building is not listed ( listing status can be overturned in any case) so the demolition application can only be reject if it causes issues during the demolition itself. From my experience the planning law often favours the developers not what Joe public thinks .
  6. I can see your point, the gay community itself can come over as militant at times their been times when this has had a negative effect . Its the same with the image thing everyone got to looks like this or got to their rubbish . Then everyone is tarred as camp with a high speaking voice and look like drones I find it sad that people think this is what gay life is about . I don't have camp voice or need to be shouting the odds I'm not perfect I'm just me who loves history and getting the camera out to record that building before its gone forever I enjoy that more than sitting with clones who simply bitch about someone. As for Pride some are now nothing more than profit making the real meaning has long gone Manchester comes to mind with that one.
  7. Having brought the box set of Stargate Universe I'm left with mixed impressions of the program. The first series was OK but not great the story lines could have been better too much trying to be a soap opera. I'm now on the second series now an improvement on the first this is what it should have been to start with to keep the viewer wanting more. Instead SU lost any chance of been continued into a third series.
  8. It relates to the ' The noble Order of Garter' it basically a knighthood that can be awarded to both military and civilians for good deeds. The star relates to the medal itself which is a eight pointed sliver star with St George' s flag on it. It was a popular pub name in the 19th century.
  9. When will the mania to build yet more student accommodation stop ? Another piece of Sheffield history heading for the landfill someone better get their camera out .
  10. Been watching a guy on YouTube his channel is called IKS Explorations its about WW2 and Cold War bunkers. He is based in the south east of England so his video's are about what remains of them today in that area. I'm guessing their should be some ROC bunkers dotted around Sheffield they were set up as listening posts and if a nuclear attack did happen to monitor the attack have you come across any over the years?
  11. Not much still skint and the country falling apart just another day in ' Ye olde England'.
  12. No social groups anymore only that dump down the Moor or OMG bar. Not forgetting that sauna......... ---------- Post added 05-09-2016 at 19:06 ---------- Let's turn up at their church and show some brotherly love they need to be shown the' light'
  13. Looks a lot better on the outside than it did nice old building might drift in after everything settles down.
  14. This delay and trying to stop Brexit business bothers me more than what the Stock Market ( I do understand it's importance) is doing because if people voted out then it never happens a lot of people might not vote again for anything. Iv heard the arguments about non binding referendum and so on but if nothing happens it could damage the political system in the long term as it is people have lost faith in MPs or worst case situation could lead to civil unrest.
  15. Do really want to known about this pub given it end up like the Cannon.
  16. Has anyone done a road trip from the most southernmost point in the country to the outer Scottish islands and everything in between. If so how did it work out?
  17. We could always find out which church the protesters came from and pay them a visit anyone up for it?
  18. Sheffield's number one rag the ' Star' has printed that the one and only Darnell is a frightening place to go to they should try the East End of London someday. OK it may be not be the best area in Sheffield but their is worse out their.
  19. A relative of mine has been inside the Cannon as the building is up for sale. The bar has been ripped out along with the seating the thing that struck out was the fact the bar area is windowless and has some odd features like the outside has three doors the middle one seems to go to no where. IV read before about a downstairs disco but from what IV been told the only below room is the cellar above that is the bar above that is living quarters. Did the Cannon once let out rooms because on the upper floors were small rooms with shelving inside that very much looked like a storeroom for bedding?
  20. Their is no need to say sorry. As I have said in a previous post everyone has the right to believe in what ever they wish that is what freedom is about. I do think at times the Gay community is quick to play the victim card . Just because a few Christians turned up to promote their ideas hardly ruined the event it didn't last long should the matter go further wise - no .
  21. I have an Uncle he is a so called born again Christian along with his wife and two children totally brain washed to the point they give money to their church they can't afford it my Uncle is unemployed his wife works part time so money is tight but yet they give. My Grandmother which is his Mum a lady in her late 80s going blind and as you can image struggling with daily life she got a lot worse six months back they did nothing to help but carried as nothing was happening in the meantime his Mum suffered it was me who was left to sort out her care . Any Christian will have to forgive me here but my feelings dimmed a lot towards them enough said.
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