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Everything posted by crookedspire

  1. Its a parents choice to which school they want to send their children too . If a Catholic family want their children to follow their faith they will choose a school that teaches their religion regardless of the curriculum . Basic curriculum is teached but it depends on the family on what school environment is suited to the families faith.
  2. Beautiful South a great banded loveded their' Perfect Ten' song .
  3. Not quite the pub is or was to be named ' Rag ' n' Tag' an application for a license is on a light post near by dated 23 May 2016. I also noted you ask about this pub on ' Sheffield History' which has an inside photo of the pub showing a land drover left derelict.
  4. Do religious schools have better schooling than state run schools in the sence of learning environment and exam results. I went to a state run school at best it was OK standard but another state run school in the next village was deemed much better. Then their is a Catholic school which enjoys a very good reputation and still does. Are pupils more encouraged to learn in a religious school as they may be more supported than a state one ?
  5. I don't agree that Sheffield is a cess pit its like every other town or city its got its best bits and rough bits. I doubt the much vaunted Hole in the Road would still be with us now even if the Supertram hadn't been built the cost of upkeep and security issues would have seen to that. Yes perhaps more should have been saved buildings wise but again the same could be said about other UK cities. Yes they could be room for improvement but on the hole the city its not that bad like IV said before any city is a work in progress.
  6. I believe that everyone has the right to protest on any subject but in a civil and lawful way. We live ( well least I hope we do) in a democracy we might not like other peoples views but they still have that right remember it works both ways . Over the years gay people have protested in churches so why can't Christians protest at Pride events ? If we have one rule for one group of people and another rule for others then we have become a dictatorship and that is bad for all of us.
  7. I am related to the Darwents of Stannington who once ran a few local pubs in the 19th century and into the early 20th century. These were the Blue Boar, Peacock and the old Hare and Hounds that was situated on a hill in the village. In fact my Great Grandfather Victor Darwent was born their he had two sisters Ann, Elise and a brother John. There parents were John and Emma both born at Sheffield. John was a clock maker he was related to the Inman family who I believe lived at Stannington in the 19th Century and from the census returns were quite well off . I'm guessing the Darwents left Stannington in the 1920s to come to Chesterfield . Does anyone remember the old Hare and Hounds pub not the 1960s replacement on Church Street, does anyone know were the Blue Boar pub was situated in Stannington?
  8. Has their been a fire at Hearty Oak, 22 Northern Common , Dronfield Woodhouse seen a photo on Google images that looks like the back of the pub tryed the link but didn't work?
  9. Iv gone Vegan and have lost weight feeling better than before not quite down to my target weight yet but a slow weight loss is better than a fast one. On YouTube their is a guy called Andrew Perlot he's a raw Vegan ( I'm not a raw Vegan but base some of my diet on his ideas) while I don't agree with all of his ideas but find the information on his videos helpful.
  10. Thanks will have a go at these as we get nearer to the time worth a go whatever happens.
  11. For me its down to how much I can afford. One top tip I have is if you trade with a business regularly ( this doesn't applie to mainstream retailers more family run traders) its possible to negotiate a price for an item. Where I am we have a market so its possible to see which is the best for food or items I don't have an issue with buying second hand unless its clothing or for hygiene reasons. So basically its down to price with me.
  12. I think the term is more based on not paying tax or restricted living than criminal law. Slab' s is in reality is just one huge squat that does its own thing.
  13. Big Gun scary never , anyway I was going to invite you to my next trip to the Gun I'm sure you could sort them out. ---------- Post added 31-07-2016 at 21:33 ---------- Plus some pay into their church even though many can't afford it so brainwashed they will do anything for them.
  14. Been watching YouTube and came across a video about Slab City which is based in an ex Marine base in California. The land belongs to Teacher's Association but the land has been squatted on for the last fifty years with people who are homeless or just want to drop out of society their is no Sheriff's office or an Post Office nor does Slab's officially have any status. Life is hard no running water or have any power supply many have solar panels fitted on their mobile homes as many live in mobile homes or derelict caravans Slab City has a library and a church and a few make shift bars . Could you live in Slab City in the baking heat of California ?
  15. Like the name makes a change from the same old same old.
  16. One of them ask me if I went to church? I said yes so they said which one ? So I said the ' Big Gun' then they ask do they belive in spirits I said yes they do if fact they can be purchased they looked at me blaffed so they ask does this church have a high alter I said yes its called a bar so I ask them would they be kind enough to buy the next round? They were not be seen so much for brotherly love.
  17. I dared to go to End Cliff Park this Saturday for Gay Pride a group of 15 Christians told me I'm going to hell on dear . I'm a hopeless sinner lead a sinful life despite the fact I had no choice of what I'm am spent ten years in the Army served in Iraq but I'm still a sinner . Like Madonna sang life is a mystery indeed it is.
  18. This problem with litter and fly tripping got worse due to various issues I doubt a now and again litter pick will do much people will be interested to start with then it drops off. It has become a no win situation its not just in the cities its the same in towns and villages and motorways on the grass verges are clogged full with rubbish.
  19. Yes legalize it but under strick control. Most of the pimps have their girls on drugs so many work for their next fix and more likely to take risks to make more money for drugs. The drug element needs to be tracked first before any legalization happens.
  20. I find it strangely fastening to see all these new builds office blocks dotted about awaiting their first tenants. Even seen some with a lone security guard sat at the front desk bored to tears. More blocks are planned for West Bars.
  21. I have known Sheffield since I was young child as my parents regularly visited it for shopping in fact some of my family still live their. Yes Sheffield has changed some of this change has been positive like the redevelopments like the Peace Gardens look better than before parts of the city also changed for the better granted some areas do need more to improve but remember all cities are a work in progress. A lot you read about Sheffield is also happening in other cities too I'm sure people in Manchester moan about similar things that people in Sheffield moan about. With regards to rubblish the city council have had to make deep cuts as central government have cut their money so services have been effected. Yes I agree things could better but let's not pull it down either.
  22. Never belittle yourself you don't what you can do until you try. I'm opposit to you in the way I see myself I'm pround of my working class roots and family history much is tired in with Sheffield's history . ---------- Post added 28-07-2016 at 14:18 ---------- I think the whole political scene is skewed now more than ever.
  23. Only suggestion what about using a public park like Endcliff but you would need permission from the council?
  24. What I mean is the government like to say were a classless society but our political system is based on the idea of class. The years following the Great War saw many landed estates come to an end as labour was not so cheap anymore to keep the grand palaces maintained the middle class was on the rise. After WW2 the post wars years were a time a growth and the working man's living standards inproved slowly. But now the class divisions are coming back we seem to have become more right wing I hope the lessons of history are remembered another Hilter is not the answer.
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